Theater and the Deaf

Author: Hays, David

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The National Theatre of the Deaf has two goals which have never been in conflict: to be a public relations vehicle for deaf people and to produce high quality drama. We have been very successful. Millions have seen us, sign language has been demystified, deaf relatives are out of the closet, new jobs are opening up for deaf people, and speech problems have been disassociated from mental retardation.


The National Theatre of the Deaf has two goals which have never been in conflict: to be a public relations vehicle for deaf people and to produce high quality drama. We have been very successful. Millions have seen us, sign language has been demystified, deaf relatives are out of the closet, new jobs are opening up for deaf people, and speech problems have been disassociated from mental retardation.

Our funding came originally from the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration (AKA Social and Rehabilitation Services). We held an experimental grant in research and development and were technically justified as a new source of jobs for deaf people in the theatre. In fact, by changing the deaf person's image we open up all jobs for the deaf, but this was considered too vague a concept for funding.

After five years, NTD was transferred from this grant status to a contract with the Board of Education of the Handicapped (Office of Education) under Media Services and Captioned Films. HEW pays for Administration and mounting productions. The O'Neill Theatre books and maintains the company on tour. We have toured abroad eleven times in our ten years - over twice the tours of any other theatre or dance company. NTD is free to apply for outside grants and does some television work, though this is technically outside the contract. HEW allows us total independence so we do not lose the zest which benefits us all. (p. 12-14)

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