The Teaching Process and Arts and Aesthetics

Author: Knieter, Gerard and Stallings, Jane

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report



The 1978 Aspen Conference - out of which this book grew - included participants from research on teaching: music and art professors from schools of teacher education; practicing public-school music and art teachers; and representatives from government. The questions that guided their discussions were: 

    1. What are the relationships between the body of general research on teaching and the teaching process in the arts and aesthetics?
    2. Can methodologies and findings from research on teaching be useful to the teacher in the arts?
    3. Are there new or already existing ways of linking the teacher and the researcher to improve the instructional process in the arts or aesthetics?
    4. What does the teacher in the arts expect from research?
    5. What do the arts contribute to the teaching process?

The papers delivered at the conference, the responses made to them, and the discussions they both generated represent the interaction of the participants and these questions. (p. 1, 2)

Introduction by Gerard L. Knieter and Stallings.
An historical review of teaching and research: Perspectives for arts and aesthetic education by Geraldine Joncich Clifford.
Research on teaching: Implications for research on the teaching of the arts by Virginia Koehler.
A response by Steiner: A platform for research on the teaching process in arts and aesthetics by Elizabeth Steiner.
Collaborative research by Anne M. Bussis, Edward A. Chittenden and Marianne Amarel.
A response by Rosenshine: Describers and Improvers by Barak Rosenshine.
How the teaching process affects change in the school by Beatrice A. Ward.
A response by Lewis: Possibilities for artist-teachers by Richard Lewis.
Staff development and teaching in the arts by Roy A. Edelfelt.
A response by Atkin: issues in the continuing education of teachers by J. Myron Atkin.
Concepts of teaching in the arts by Arthur Efland.
A response by Loveless: creating new myths in art education by Richard L. Loveless.
The bearing of artistic and educational commitments on the teaching of art by
Laura H. Chapman.
A response by Reimer: Difficulties in studying how values affect teachers' actions by
Bennett Reimer.
The art of recognizing artistic teaching in the arts by James Hanshumaker.
A response by Dominic: Remarks on artistry as a criterion for evaluating teaching by
Joseph F. Dominic.
Research on teaching in the arts: Review, analysis, critique by Lee S. Shulman.
Conference participants.
Discussion groups.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 271



Name: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program (1064-1981)

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