Supporting Art and Culture: 1001 Questions on Policy

Author: de Grazia, Alfred

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book


This book, in the question and answer format, is intended to raise awareness of cultural affairs and help people think about policy in arts and culture. Organized around the problem areas the influentials in the field of support policy must consider when making their decisions and/or recommendations, [this book] deals with the fundamentals (the who, what, where, when, and how) of public policy with respect to cultural activity. The questions lay bare basic needs, probe into hidden motivations, and challenge accepted modes of thinking that quite evidently require totally new approaches. (Book jacket).


This book, in the question and answer format, is intended to raise awareness of cultural affairs and help people think about policy in arts and culture. Organized around the problem areas the influentials in the field of support policy must consider when making their decisions and/or recommendations, [this book] deals with the fundamentals (the who, what, where, when, and how) of public policy with respect to cultural activity. The questions lay bare basic needs, probe into hidden motivations, and challenge accepted modes of thinking that quite evidently require totally new approaches. (Book jacket).

Preface by Carl F. Stover, President, Cultural Resources, Inc.

  1. The creative people: who does (and should) practice and create culture?
  2. Cultural fields: what kinds of culture are (and should be) practiced?
  3. Motives and morale: what motives impel (and should impel) culture producers?
  4. Culture technology: what techniques do (and should) creators use?
  5. Organizations, production, distribution: through which coproductive groups and
      structures do (and should) creators work?
  6. Audiences: to what groups do (and should) culture producers address themselves?
  7. Cost-benefit evaluation: what are the social costs and gains of culture production?
  8. Social impact: what effects do (and should) producers have?
  9. The policy-making process: who does (and should) decide culture policy and by 
      what methods?
10. Culture policy: what is it and should it be?

Appendix: Forms of artistic and cultural expression.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-88311-913-7 (h)

Pages: 85



Name: Lieber-Atherton

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