Summit Conference on the Arts and Education: A Report

Author: Fowler, Charles B.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report



A Summit Conference on the Arts and Education, sponsored by the Alliance for Arts Education (AAE) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) was convened at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, September 25-28, 1979.

This conference was historic for two reasons. It represents the first national meeting of state AAE chairpersons with chief state school officers, august leaders of the nation's school systems. As such, it brought together potent forces for the development and advancement of arts education nationwide.

Secondly, it marks a change in the thrust of the Alliance for Arts Education. Most recently, the efforts of the Alliance's network of state committees were directed toward the development of state-wide comprehensive arts education plans. Implementation of many of these plans and portions of them has been accomplished with small assistance funds from the Alliance and additional grants from the U. S. Office of Education's Arts Education Program. Now the Alliance, while continuing to help states maintain strong committees and create plans for arts education, will develop and strengthen its state network.

The report in hand provides highlights and selected excerpts from the conference's many sessions. While sessions chosen for inclusion have been edited, they are presented here in as complete form as possible. (p. 1 and 2)

Foreword by Jean Kennedy Smith.
Programs that work: Will they work for us?
State programs: The Pennsylvania arts in education program.
Urban/Suburban programs: Montclair, New Jersey.
Rural programs: The Bedford North Lawrence Schools, Bedford, Indiana.
Priorities for the year ahead by Vince Lindstrom.
The Kennedy Center's education programs by Jack W. Kukuk.
U.S. Office of Education Arts Education Programs by Lonna Jones.
Reflections: The child in America - An Exhibition.
The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy.
The arts and their relationship to basic skills by Harry S. Broudy.
The Honorable Charles Percy.
The arts and educational effectiveness by Floretta McKenzie.
Assuring the right to dream by Joan Mondale.
The Oklahoma arts in education program by Peggy Long.
School/Community collaboration in the arts and education by James Adams.
Reactions of Chief State School officers.
Conference overview by A. Craig Phillips.
Conference agenda.
Conference participants.
Reference and acknowledgments.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 103




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