Study of Virginia Arts Priorities, Part Two: Artists and Arts Organizations

Author: Bravo Arts Education and Southeastern Institute of Research

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


This is the second part of a report which presents the findings of a comprehensive study of the arts in Virginia. Part II. A. Artists provides information on artists in Virginia. Part II. B. Arts Organizations provides information on music performances, exhibitions, and classes provided by art organizations.


This is the second part of a report which presents the findings of a comprehensive study of the arts in Virginia. Part II. A. Artists provides information on artists in Virginia. Part II. B. Arts Organizations provides information on music performances, exhibitions, and classes provided by art organizations. Not dated but assumed to be around 1980. The Virginia artist is well trained, active in several mediums, and relatively satisfied with the quality of artistic life in the Commonwealth. Virginia's artists are active in arts organizations. Few are entirely supported by their artistic work; but most teach their artistic discipline or work in arts-related professions. Apparently the Commonwealth's artists, unlike artists in other areas of the country, do not have difficulty finding such jobs since few mentioned employment opportunities in the arts as a pressing need.

Better compensation for their creative output, fellowships, training, better exposure through the media, and agents were the most frequently mentioned needs of our responding artists. Few mentioned either government or private funding as a pressing need. The needs of the Virginia artist do not appear to be that different from other equally trained professionals. They want better pay for their work; they want suitable working conditions; they want opportunities for continuing education; and they want to be recognized for their personal efforts. They also don't know what the government can do to help them other than by giving them money. Money, per se, however, is not a primary concern. (Introduction.)

Our purpose in this section is to provide a factual look at the primary producers of the Commonwealth's varied cultural life: the Virginia artist. Who are Virginia's artists? Are they young, middle aged, or old? Are they predominantly men or women? Are they formally trained? What do they do? Are they painters, dancers, writers, or what? How many of each? How do they earn their living? Are they supported by the arts, or do they hold other jobs to supplement their incomes? Where do they live? Does any particular area of the Commonwealth have more appeal for artists than any other? Are there differences by discipline? How do artists rate the quality of Virginia's arts? What are their greatest needs: facilities, training, technical assistance, or money? How can the Commonwealth and its localities help artists to meet these needs?

Part II. A. Executive summary. 
               Responding artists. 
               Who are they and what do they do? 
               How Virginia's artists rate the arts and what they need. 
               Charts: Respondent's primary arts discipline. 
               Number of mediums in which participating artists work. 
               Most important personal need to further artistic career. 
               Primary personal artistic needs. 
               Help needed from local, state and Federal governments.

Part II. B. Procedures. 
               Executive Summary. 
               Description of organizations reporting. 
               Services provided to the community. 
               Total attendance from all activities during the last fiscal year. 
               Challenges of the Future. 

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 35



Name: Bravo Arts Education

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