Study of Virginia Arts Priorities: Part One, General Public and Concerned Citizens

Author: Bravo Arts Education and Southeastern Institute of Research

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report



This report is one of two parts which presents the findings of a comprehensive study of the arts in Virginia. It was conducted for Bravo Arts Education, a non-profit Virginia corporation whose purpose is to educate and promote public interest in and awareness of the arts. The study was a cooperative effort between Bravo Arts Education and Southeastern Institute of Research, Inc. (SIR). SIR was responsible for all technical phases of the study including planning and management of the research, questionnaire design, data processing and analysis. Bravo was responsible for the fieldwork phase including telephone interviewing among the general public, and the distribution and retrieval of self-administered questionnaires among artists, arts organizations, and concerned citizens. It was made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts through the Virginia Commission for the arts.

The purpose of the study was to understand four major aspects of the arts in Virginia. These are:

      1. General public.
      2. Concerned citizens.
      3. Artists. 
      4. Arts organizations.

 Included in this volume are:

     Part I.A. General Public:
                        A telephone survey of individuals who are consumers of
                        the products and services produced by the arts industry.

     Part I.B. Concerned Citizens:
                        About those who effect change in the arts industry.

Part I-A. Executive summary.

Summary of major findings.
Virginians involved with the arts.
Arts needs perceived by Virginians.
Detailed procedures:
     General public survey.
     Sample size, design and selection.
     Sample distribution for general public survey.
     Geographic aggregation of districts.
     Data collection.
     Time of survey.

Part I-B. Executive Summary.

Summary of Major Findings.
Concerned Citizens' Involvement with the Arts.
Virginians' Attitudes toward the Arts.
Arts Needs Perceived by Concerned Citizens in Virginia.
Detailed Procedures.
Concerned citizens Study.
Respondent Selection.
Type of Organization from which Respondent Received Questionnaire - by Region.
Method and time of Questionnaire Distribution.
Geographic Distribution of Response.
Response Distribution for Concerned Citizens Study.
Geographic Aggregation of Districts.

       1. Self-expressed interest in the arts by region.
       2. Comparative profiles of those very interested in the arts vs. all adult residents of
           Virginia and those not interested.
       3. Virginia residents attendance at arts events during the past year.
           By region.
       4. How important various community amenities are to Virginia residents.
           By area.
       5. How well community amenity needs are being met.
           By area.
       6. Awareness of important arts needs in the community.
           By region.
       7. Whether tax dollars should be used to help the arts. 
           By region.
       8. Whether tax dollars should be used to help the arts.
           By interest in the arts.

       1. Attendance at arts events in the past year.
           By Virginia residents.
       2. How important various community amenities are to Virginia residents.
       3. Attitude toward the arts among all adult residents of Virginia.
       4. How well community amenity needs are being met.

Appendix Tables:
       1. Incidence of attending arts exhibitions or arts and crafts fairs during past year.
       2. Incidence of attending museums during past year.
       3. Incidence of attending music concerts during past year.
       4. Incidence of attending live theatres during past year.
       5. Incidence of attending dance performances during past year.
       6. Incidence of attending opera during past year.
       7. Importance of music concerts in making your community a better place to live.
       8. Importance of parks in making your community a better place to live.
       9. Importance of arts exhibits in making your community a better place to live.
     10. Importance of hospitals and clinics in making your community a better place to
     11. Importance of live theatres in making your community a better place to live.
     12. Importance of sports activities in making your community a better place to live.
     13. Importance of libraries in making your community a better place to live.
     14. Importance of churches in making your community a better place to live.
     15. Importance of museums in making your community a better place to live.
     16. Importance of schools in making your community a better place to live.
     17. Importance of dance performances in making your community a better place to
     18. Importance of opera in making your community a better place to live.
     19. Perception of the number of music concerts in your community now.
     20. Perceptions of the number of parks in your community now.
     21. Perception of the number of arts exhibitions in your community now.
     22. Perceptions of the number of hospitals and clinics in your community now.
     23. Perception of the number of live theatres in your community now.
     24. Perception of the number of sports activities in your community now.
     25. Perception of the number of libraries in your community now.
     26. Perception of the number of churches in your community now.
     27. Perception of the number of museums in your community now.
     28. Perception of the number of schools in your community now.
     29. Perception of the number of dance performances in your community now.
     30. Perception of the number of operas in your community now.
     31. Agreement with ...if...offered more programs....I would attend more....
     32. Agreement with ... ought to be more theatre and concert events....
     33. Agreement with main reason people don't go more often...
     34. Agreement with Learning about the arts should be ....part
     35. Agreement with have....programs in which I can participate.
     36. Perceived interest in the arts in your community.
     37. Whether tax dollars should be used to help music, dance, theatre and art.
     38. Awareness of important arts needs in your community.
     39. Age of respondent.
     40. Highest grade level attained by respondent.
     41. Occupation of head of household.
     42. Total annual family income.
     43. Sex of respondent.
     44. Race of respondent.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Participation


Series Title:




Pages: 157



Name: Southeastern Institute of Research

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