Statistical Profile of Community Arts Agencies, 1976

Author: Reade, Cynthia A. and Van Cott, Bruce S.

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report


At the suggestion of The Community arts Agencies Project Steering Group, this study of community arts agencies was conducted to determine critical information about the growth, structure, funding and programming of CAAs - and to serve as a basis of comparison for the papers prepared in connection with the Joint Survey of CAAs. In addition, the findings in this report will serve as the base year data against which yearly updates of this survey will be compared. By these means, trend data on the growth and development of CAAs will emerge - providing the basis for an orderly understanding of the future of community arts agencies nationwide.


At the suggestion of The Community arts Agencies Project Steering Group, this study of community arts agencies was conducted to determine critical information about the growth, structure, funding and programming of CAAs - and to serve as a basis of comparison for the papers prepared in connection with the Joint Survey of CAAs. In addition, the findings in this report will serve as the base year data against which yearly updates of this survey will be compared. By these means, trend data on the growth and development of CAAs will emerge - providing the basis for an orderly understanding of the future of community arts agencies nationwide.

To obtain the necessary information for this report, a survey of the field of CAAs was conducted by ACA in March 1976. Questionnaires were sent out to a mailing list of over 1,000 CAAs compiled from ACA/NACAA membership lists and from lists provided by the State Arts Agencies. Thanks to the cooperation of the CAAs involved, over 800 questionnaires were returned - and the results of our findings are based on a sample size of 700 active CAAs. We estimate this figure comprises approximately 70% of the entire field of CAAs (from the Introduction)

Glossary of frequently used terms.
Introduction and description of tables.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 46




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