State of the Cities 2018

Author: National League of Cities

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report


Now in its 5th year, the National League of Cities’ annual State of the Cities report provides an in-depth analysis of mayoral speeches.


Each year, mayors across the nation detail their vision for their city’s future in a seminal address—their state of the city speech. These speeches have taken on new significance as mayors emerge as focal points in the intergovernmental context. While many state and federal partners are mired in political gridlock or actively disinvesting in cities, mayors consistently demonstrate the capacity and willingness to solve complex problems that are shaped by local realities and have broad national implications.

Given the current environment, how do mayors perceive their role? Which issues are most important now, compared to the past? How are city leaders preparing to meet their goals?

Now in its 5th year, the National League of Cities’ annual State of the Cities report provides an in-depth analysis of mayoral speeches. The analysis pinpoints specific tactics and policies, as well as broader policy directions, and finds that:

  • Economic development is the most prevalent major policy issue across mayoral speeches (58%) and has been for the past 5 years.
  • Infrastructure, budgets and housing rise in importance this year, overtaking public safety. Mayors offered more detailed infrastructure plans this year, while presenting a narrower scope of discussion on public safety.
  • Economic development, infrastructure, budgets, housing and public safety are consistently the top issues for the 5th year in a row.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact, Cultural Planning, Community Development, Advocacy


Series Title: State of the Cities

Edition: 2017



Pages: 23

Resources: Document


Name: National League of Cities

Website URL: