State Arts Councils As Exemplified Through the Fine Arts Council of Florida

Author: Craver, Ellen L.

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


The purpose of this paper is to determine the effectiveness of a state arts council, using the Fine Arts Council of Florida as the example. Is it work funding? Have its efforts been beneficial to the public? Has general awareness of the arts increased throughout Florida? What has been a main deterrent in supporting the arts? Has Government encouraged this support? Where is the Council leading the arts in Florida and what might it achieve in the future? These are just a few of the questions that this thesis will examine and discuss. (preface)


The purpose of this paper is to determine the effectiveness of a state arts council, using the Fine Arts Council of Florida as the example. Is it work funding? Have its efforts been beneficial to the public? Has general awareness of the arts increased throughout Florida? What has been a main deterrent in supporting the arts? Has Government encouraged this support? Where is the Council leading the arts in Florida and what might it achieve in the future? These are just a few of the questions that this thesis will examine and discuss. (preface)

List of Figures.

Chapter I. Forming a State Arts Council. 

A Review of The Politics of Arts, Forming a State Arts Council. 
The Beginning.
Who should be on the Council - and Why.
Assessing Resources and Setting Goals.
Drafting the Legislation.
Political Action on Behalf of the State Arts Council's Objectives.
The Program.
The Fine Arts Council of Florida, Its History.
Survey and Result.
Duties and responsibilities of the council.
Comparison Along the Lines of The Politic of Art.

Chapter II. Federal and State Support for the Arts.

Three Ways to Support the Arts.
Federal and State Funds.
Community Funds.
The Fine Arts Council of Florida.
History of State Support Through Appropriations.
Relationship of Three Funding Means to the Florida Council.

Chapter III. Federal and State Arts Programs.

Three Ways to Develop Programs.
National Program Funds.
Federal-State Partnership Funds.
The Treasury Fund.
Conditions and Agreement for Federal-State Programs.
Programs of the Fine Arts Council of Florida.
History of Grants.
Processing of Grant Applications.

Chapter IV. The Role of Federal and State Government Support for the Arts.

Results of the President's Study of the Arts in the United States.
Creation of the President's Advisory Council on the Arts.
Position of National Parties.
Florida State Government's Relationship to the Arts.
FACF Compared to Hechscher's Report.
Survey of 1972 Legislative Support for the Arts.

Selected Bibliography List of Figures.
     1. Fine Arts Council of Florida--Structure of Relations and Responsibilities.
     2. Percentage of Contributions to Adjusted Gross Income.
     3. Foundations' Distribution.
     4. Corporate Giving.
     5. Total Giving 1971 $21.15 Billion.
     6. Total Giving 1969.
     7. Giving to the Arts, Humanities, Civic Causes--1971.
     8. Florida Indicating 1973 Grant Locations.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 170



Name: Rollins College

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