Self Help: Earned Income Opportunities for Cultural Organizations

Author: New York City Commission for Cultural Affairs

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


Conference organized by the New York City Commission for Cultural Affairs, New York City, January 26, 1982. With the unfortunate cutbacks in public funding, our cultural institutions will have to pursue innovative means of replacing public support. This conference, Self Help-Earned Income Opportunities for Cultural Organizations, was held by the commission to inform cultural institutions of earned income opportunities and difficulties.


Conference organized by the New York City Commission for Cultural Affairs, New York City, January 26, 1982.

With the unfortunate cutbacks in public funding, our cultural institutions will have to pursue innovative means of replacing public support. This conference, Self Help-Earned Income Opportunities for Cultural Organizations, was held by the commission to inform cultural institutions of earned income opportunities and difficulties.

Some institutions have had spectacular success with income producing ventures such as publishing, real estate development, retail shops, sales to cable companies. As a consequence, the Commission concluded that it could provide no better assistance than to hold a forum in which this know-how could be shared. Our expectations were not disappointed. The speakers and panelists provided a stimulating and informative morning. By publishing this transcript, the Commission hopes to make available the insights of our speakers and panelists to a full spectrum of cultural institutions. (p. 1)

General session: 

Opportunities, problems and pitfalls.
Welcome - John C. Lankenau, Chairman, Commission for Cultural affairs.
                 Henry Geldzahler, Commissioner, Department of Cultural Affairs.
Overview: Edward Skloot, President, New Ventures.
Foundation View: Margaret Ayers, Executive Director, Robert Sterling Clark
Legal View: R. J. Ruble, Member, Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather and Geraldson.


Electronic media.
          Merrill Brockway, Executive Producer of Arts Programming, CBS Cable
          John Goberman, Director of Media Development, Lincoln Center for
          the Performing Arts.
          Anna Kosof, Director of Planning, Metropolitan Division, WNET,
          Channel 13.
          Tony Schwartz, Television Correspondent, The New York Times.
          Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, Author, Television Interviewer and
          Producer, Commission Member.

Real Estate.
          Michael Bailkin, outside counsel, 42nd Street Development Corporation.
          Henry NG, Deputy Director, Municipal Arts Society.
          James Snyder, Deputy Director of Planning, Museum of Modern Art.
          Patricia Zedalis, Executive Director, 42nd Street Development
          Lee M. Elman, President, Stelm, Ltd., Commission member.

Retailing and publishing.
          Lisa Koch, General Merchandise Manager, Metropolitan Museum of
          Elliott Lang, President, Museum Quality Services, Inc.
          Leonard Lauder, President, Estee Lauder, Inc., Board Vice President,
          Whitney Museum.
          Winthrop Knowlton, Chairman, Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.,
          President, New York City Ballet; Commission Member.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Financial Management


Series Title:




Pages: 57



Name: Center for Arts Information

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