Scratching the Surface: What We Know - And Don't Know - About Music Education in Oklahoma

Author: Morrison, Robert B.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report


This report accounts for 80% of all public schools and represents 91% of the state’s student population and access to music education. Some type of Music course is offered in nearly every school in Oklahoma, but the amount of diversity in the courses offered varies between schools. General music is offered most frequently at elementary level, but elementary schools have less course diversity overall. At the high school level, more course diversity is offered but less general music classes are offered. This affects students who may want to become involved in music later on and need a general course. Opportunities vary by region, school size, community wealth, and percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunches.


The intent of this preliminary review is to begin to provide an understanding of the status of music education programs in the state of Oklahoma. This review illuminates some important insights regarding student access to Music courses, explores the impact of geography and considers the impact on music education of such factors as school size, free and reduced lunch, and wealth.

Music education in the state of Oklahoma cannot adequately be represented by a statistic or broad sweeping generalization. The true, nuanced story of music education in Oklahoma is to be found in the variety of conditions present in regions, districts and individual schools. This report finds a range of regional factors that influence music education. Some issues do not present themselves until examining community influence. Additional issues become evident when we look at school type, school size and/or student population. These are the insights that exist “below the surface” of state-level percentages that are often obscured by aggregated information. Some findings that may appear to be true statewide are really only true for a small portion or a specific segment of schools. There are a handful of findings that will surprise even those who are knowledgeable about music education in Oklahoma. Some conventional wisdom will be debunked. One thing is clear. This report raises many more questions than it will answer. [About Report, p iii]

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 45

Resources: Document


Name: Kirkpatrick Foundation

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