The Role of the Arts in Urban Economic Development

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report



The author of this Information Bulletin attempts to address a question of primary importance to the local practitioner. Do investments in the arts, which may be meritorious in their own right, pay off in economic development terms? The bulletin distinguishes between the arts as an industry which may or may not bring new dollars into the community, and investments in arts activities and facilities as tools for promoting specific community revitalization objectives. An entire section of the bulletin is devoted to community revitalization uses of the arts. (from executive summary) In addition, important research findings and their implications for practitioners are also discussed. Lastly, the predominant role for the arts appears to be less a generator of new jobs and income and more a factor in creating a climate in which the decision to invest or relocate is viewed more favorably and, perhaps, as an investment with less risk. It is clear that arts activities in sufficient concentration and scale can draw thousands of suburbanites and visitors and be used to help create customer traffic that will benefit other city businesses.

I. Problem Statement.

II. Issues analysis.

Issues background:
     The Arts and Economic Development Defined and Cultural Projects
     and Economic Development Process. 
     Traditional Arts Council Research: The Arts as a Local Employer and
Using the Arts to Bring New Dollars to the Community:
     The Arts and Tourism.
     Factors affecting Drawing Power.
     Tourist Expenditure Volume.
     The Arts and the Export Base: Summing Up.
Using the Arts to complement Economic Development and Community Revitalization Strategies:
     Structural and Strategic Roles in Economic Development.
     Changing Perceptions of Households and Firms.
     Creating Markets.
     The Arts and Location Decisions.
     The Arts and the Economic Development Process: Summing Up.

III. Current Practice and Strategies.

Caveats on Merging Arts and Economic Development.
Enhancing the Impact of Current Activities.
Using the Arts to Create Images and Perceptions.
Urban Revitalization, Adaptive Re-Use [reuse] and the Arts:
     Scale of Projects. 
     Areas of Impact.
     Development Challenges.
     Funding Strategies.

IV. The Need for Additional Research. 

The Arts and Tourism.
The Arts as a Growth Industry.
Creating Markets.
The Arts and Location Decisions.

V. Information Resources.

VI. Selected Bibliography

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title:




Pages: 56




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