A Report on Training Evaluators; Artists-in-Residence Project, 1970-1971

Author: CEMREL

Publication Year: 1970

Media Type: Report


In July 1970 CEMREL was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to train an evaluation staff for the National Artist-in-Residence Project for each of the selected sites, and to prepare a detailed report of this activity. As part of the National Endowment's extended Artist-in-Residence Project, CEMREL would:


In July 1970 CEMREL was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to train an evaluation staff for the National Artist-in-Residence Project for each of the selected sites, and to prepare a detailed report of this activity. As part of the National Endowment's extended Artist-in-Residence Project, CEMREL would:

  1. Prepare and distribute copies of the CEMREL Artist-in-Residence Project report to all sites with standard explanatory data and the procedure to be used in the evaluation.
  2. Conduct a training session in St. Louis for those persons designated to conduct the evaluation at each site. The objectives of the session would be:
    a) to adapt a model from those existing in CEMREL's project, or to create a new model based on available data for the respective sites;
    b) to help the site directors define in precise terms what their Artist-in-Residence Project would attempt to accomplish;
    c) to train the personnel in evaluation methodology which is appropriate for the selected model;
    d) to outline sources and procedures for data collection; and
    e) to assist in identifying local sources for expertise in actually carrying out the data collection and analysis.
  3. Conduct a follow-up study with the sites at or near the completion of the project to discern:
    a) how effective the evaluation of the project has been;
    b) what effects the evaluation of the project had had on changing its direction and outcome; and
    c) what the overall effects of the evaluation program had been on the projects.

The outcome of the program would be that the sites would be able to plan and carry out the evaluation of their own projects, and they would be able to feed this information into the Endowment and the Office of Education. This would give an overall assessment of the effectiveness of the program. (p. 1-2)

1. Introduction.
2. Description of the visual arts component of the artist-in-residence project.
3. Training conference.
4. Data collection.
5. Non-visual artist-in-residence project.
6. Conclusion and recommendations.
7. Appendixes:
         A. Training conference workbook.
         B. List of participants.
         C. Population characteristics of schools and communities.
         D. Data on artists.
         E. Sample evaluation questionnaire - visual arts.
         F. Data submitted by sites.
         G. Sample evaluation questionnaire - non-visual arts.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 81



Name: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program (1064-1981)

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