Report of the Task Force on the Education, Training and Development of Artists and Arts Educators

Author: Task Force on the Education, Training and Development of Artists and Arts Educators

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


During the past year, this Task Force has sought to identify major issues involving the quality, diversity, and financing of the education, training and development of professional artists and arts educators in the . The informed opinions of artists, teachers and other knowledgeable persons formed the primary bases for deliberation and decisions. (from abstract)


During the past year, this Task Force has sought to identify major issues involving the quality, diversity, and financing of the education, training and development of professional artists and arts educators in the . The informed opinions of artists, teachers and other knowledgeable persons formed the primary bases for deliberation and decisions.

The present report, conceived primarily for the guidance of the Arts Endowment, has become in part a plea to abolish arbitrary compartmentalization in the arts and education and among the agencies and organizations which deal with them. The report urges the Endowment and other governmental and private agencies to recognize the need for a coordinated effort in arts education. It is offered as a document of advocacy and interim discussion to everyone concerned with the welfare of the arts in the .

In implementing these policies, the National Endowment for the Arts must work together with those other national and state governmental and private agencies committed to these objectives. As the federal agency most concerned with the advancement of the arts in America, the Arts Endowment has a major responsibility for advocacy in the field of artistic education, training and development.

Basic premises:

The Task Force bases its recommendations on the following premises:

  1. The identification, training and career development of people with artistic talent is a national responsibility.

  2. To occupy a central place in American life, the arts must figure in education at all levels and in all forms.

  3. Primary attention and primary financial support in the arts must be given to the individual.

  4. To advance artistic achievement among gifted people, support must be increased to the institutions.

  5. The preparation of artists and arts educators is a common effort with common goals.

  6. The broadest definition of the arts serves their interest best in arts education.

  7. It is crucial to respect the diversity of American educational and cultural life.

  8. The artistic community, a natural alliance of citizens and institutions especially concerned with the arts, must assume responsibility and initiative in the field of arts training, education and development.

  9. While the National Endowment for the Arts shares the responsibility with other agencies and organizations for the education, training and development of artists and arts educators, it has an obligation for advocacy leadership. (p. 3-6)

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