Report of the Mayor's Committee on Cultural Policy

Author: New York City Mayor's Committee on Cultural Policy

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report


The goals of the mayor's committee was to instruct the mayor on cultural policy and on the kind of municipal structure needed to carry out such policy effectively.


The goals of the mayor's committee was to instruct the mayor on cultural policy and on the kind of municipal structure needed to carry out such policy effectively. The principal questions the Committee has sought to answer are these:

  1. How can existing City support for cultural affairs be made more effective?

  2. How can the City encourage greater participation in cultural affairs by the private sector and at the same time strengthen federal and state support for the arts in New York City?

  3. How can coordinating and information services to cultural organizations and artists be improved?

  4. Do existing City or City-related agencies, such as the Department of Cultural Affairs, the New York City Cultural Council, and the Cultural Council foundation provide the best apparatus for carrying out a strengthened City policy in cultural affairs, or should a new administrative structure be considered?

  5. Is possible to evaluate the role of artistic and cultural activity in the economic life of the city? What can be said about the impact of this activity on the City's tax base, its commercial life, and its attractiveness as a business location? (p. viii)

Letter to the Mayor.
The Committee's assignment and its acknowledgements.
Summary of the committee's findings and recommendations.
New York City needs a healthy cultural life.
Cultural activity and the New York City Economy.
Cultural activity has social and educational benefits.
How the city supports cultural activity today: the benefits and the shortcomings.
The current level of city support.
Institutional support from city budget.
Support from parks, recreation and cultural affairs.
Administration (PRCA) and adjunct organizations.
The Cultural community's most urgent needs.
Museums and other institutions.
Performing arts organizations.
Community arts groups.
Individual artists.
The overriding problem of money.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 86




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