Public Broadcasting and Education

Author: Advisory Council of National Organizations

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


In February 1974 CPB commissioned its Advisory Council of National Organizations (ACNO) to conduct a study and make recommendations to the Board of CPB regarding the role of the Corporation in the relationship between public broadcasting and education. It was recognized that it is difficult to draw precise boundaries around the functions of the various related organizations in public broadcasting, but for ACNO the Corporation was to be both the audience for the report and the target of the study. (from abstract)


In February 1974 CPB commissioned its Advisory Council of National Organizations (ACNO) to conduct a study and make recommendations to the Board of CPB regarding the role of the Corporation in the relationship between public broadcasting and education. It was recognized that it is difficult to draw precise boundaries around the functions of the various related organizations in public broadcasting, but for ACNO the Corporation was to be both the audience for the report and the target of the study.

The Advisory Council, through its Education Committee, organized four task forces to consider the areas of early childhood education, elementary-secondary education and teacher education, post-secondary formal education, and adult education. The chairpersons of these groups are delegates to ACNO who are also leaders of major educational groups. The members of the task forces were chosen for their qualifications in broadcasting, education or related public concerns, and the selections were balanced to assure reasonable representation of geographic areas, minority groups, sex, and a range of viewpoints. The task forces involved in their deliberations more than 4,000 broadcasters, educators, and members of public groups.

The work of the task forces was completed in December 1974. Each filed a report which stands unchanged and which appears in the Supplement. The individual task force reports, while forming the basis for the final ACNO report, represent the composite view of the task force members only, and were not intended for action by the Advisory Council.

This final report is the result also of further deliberations by the ACNO Education Committee, its Executive Committee, and finally the membership of he Council at its quarterly meeting in March, 1985. (p. 9, 10)

Task force members.
Summary of the recommendations.
A perspective on public broadcasting and education today.
The context: Education in a changing society.
The contemporary student.
Goodbye to the Little Red Schoolhouse.
Education's structure of responsibility.
Roles of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The recommendations:
     The Corporation for Public Broadcasting should....

    1. Intensify its efforts to bridge the traditional chasm between broadcasting and education, building a working partnership to serve their common purposes.

    2. Recognize and support the principle of cultural pluralism, which is rooted in our common concerns as humans as well as in the differences which enhance the strength and diversity of the American people.

    3. Undertake activities to assist professional development of the educators and broadcasters engaged in educational broadcasting, and encourage the application of broadcasting for the in-service education of teachers.

    4. Undertake promptly certain instructional programming activities, taking into account the legal and traditional roles of other educational agencies and institutions

    5. Assure adequate attention to the strategies, materials and other services which are critical to effective use of educational programming.

    6. Actively develop the educational programming applications of related technologies, in order to meet the educational needs of people at all age levels.

    7. Assure, through its own operations and through support of others' work, an effective program of research, evaluation and demonstration regarding educational applications of public broadcasting and related technologies.

    8. Facilitate the development of new, more flexible patterns of rights clearance.

    9. Encourage the development of the skills of aural/visual literacy and critical listening/viewing.

    10. Recognize and support effective activities for promotion and community outreach in the educational applications of broadcasting.

    11. Move at once to act upon these recommendations, initially by conducting a financial analysis, determining a calendar agenda for specific actions, and assigning responsibility for developing funding.


Supplement: Reports of the task forces.
     The task force on early childhood education.
               Clustering of recommendations concerning affective development by Dr. A.
     The Task Force on Elementary-Secondary and teacher education.
               List of additional program suggestions by Dr. Harold Wigren.
     The Task Force on Post-Secondary formal education.
     The Task Force on adult education.
               A. Report of program priorities conference.
               B. Report of special group on utilization/distribution system.
               C. Report of governmental relations group.             
               D. Glossary.
               E. Statistics.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Diversity, Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 114



Name: Corporation for Public Broadcasting

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