Public Arts Support and the Federal Presence

Author: Gelles, George

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


This is a background paper prepared for the National Partnership Meeting, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, in cooperation with the National Assembly of Community Arts Agencies., held June 23-25, 1980, at the Marvin Center, George Washington University, Washington, DC. In it the author traces the history of government support for the arts, the development of a support network at national, state and local levels of government and an examination of the how that network has served the performing arts in the last half of the 1970's.


This is a background paper prepared for the National Partnership Meeting, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, in cooperation with the National Assembly of Community Arts Agencies., held June 23-25, 1980, at the Marvin Center, George Washington University, Washington, DC. In it the author traces the history of government support for the arts, the development of a support network at national, state and local levels of government and an examination of the how that network has served the performing arts in the last half of the 1970's.

Part 1 - Arts in the early republic. 

            A. Alien impressions. 

            B. The arts expand: 
                1. In number of organizations.
                2. In public attitudes. 
                3. In number of individual artists. 
                4. In migratory patterns. 
                5. In the definition of the arts.

Part 2 - The Federal presence. 

            A. Increasing involvement: 
                1. The WPA. 

            B. The National Endowment and the public support system: 
                1. Its partners.
                2. Its programs. 

            C. Federal - state relations: 
                1. Models of federalism.
                2. Redefining the partnership. 

            D. Other sources of funding: 
                1. Federal agencies.
                2. Indirect assistance. 

            E. The network emerges: 
                1. Its outline.

Part 3 - Client groups and the network. 

            A. A performing arts survey: 
                1. Theaters.
                2. Symphony orchestras.
                3. Ballet and modern dance companies.
                4. Opera companies. 

            B. Trends and conclusions.

Part 4 - Selected bibliography.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art


Series Title:




Pages: 75



Name: National Endowment for the Arts

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