Public Arts Agencies: Toward National Public Policy

Author: Backas, James J.

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


The National Endowment for the Arts, for an agency of its small size and budget, is unusually complex, board in scope, and national in impact. This national impact is in part the result of the Endowment's integral relationship with 56 state and territorial arts agencies, 8 regional organizations, and may local arts agencies, which share with the federal agency many common goals, policies, and constituents. The purpose of this report of the Policy Study Group convened by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies is to inform the Presidential Task Force of the relationship between the Arts Endowment and the state, regional, and local arts agencies it helped to create, and to offer recommendations on how this relationship might be utilized to make better use of the national artists, managerial, and fund raising resources that did not exist sixteen years ago when the federal agency was created. (p. 1).


The National Endowment for the Arts, for an agency of its small size and budget, is unusually complex, board in scope, and national in impact. This national impact is in part the result of the Endowment's integral relationship with 56 state and territorial arts agencies, 8 regional organizations, and may local arts agencies, which share with the federal agency many common goals, policies, and constituents. The purpose of this report of the Policy Study Group convened by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies is to inform the Presidential Task Force of the relationship between the Arts Endowment and the state, regional, and local arts agencies it helped to create, and to offer recommendations on how this relationship might be utilized to make better use of the national artists, managerial, and fund raising resources that did not exist sixteen years ago when the federal agency was created. (p. 1).

NASAA policy study group purpose.
Members of the policy study group.

1. Introduction.

2. Goals and recommendations. 

A. Goals. 
B. Recommendations.

3. The public arts support network. 

A. The Federal arts agency. 
B. State arts agencies. 
C. Regional organizations. 
D. Local arts agencies.

4. Two examples of jointly administered and funded national programs. 

A. Artists in education. 
B. Dance touring program.

5. Concluding comments.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Local Arts Agencies, Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 16



Name: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Website URL: