Programs That Work: Will They Work For Us?

Author: Alliance for Arts Education

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report



This compilation of descriptions of programs that work in the arts in education is an outgrowth of the Coming To Our Senses: The Arts in Education Conference held in Little Rock, Arkansas, on March 21 through March 23, 1978. The Conference set a precedent in terms of cooperation on the part of national, state, and local organizations involved in the Arts in Education Movement. The sponsoring organizations involved in the planning and implementation of the Conference were:

    • Alliance for Arts Education
    • Arts, Education and Americans Inc.
    • American Council for the Arts
    • Department of Arkansas Natural and Cultural Heritage.

The goals for the Conference reflect the recognition on the part of the cooperating organizations of the need for coordinated efforts at all levels in accomplishing a common goal of improving the status of the arts in education. The following goals were established by the planning committee for the Conference:

    1. To assist states within the 13-state region (Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin) in the development and/or implementation of comprehensive state plans for the arts in education.

    2. To further involve state arts agencies and community arts councils in the arts programming activities in local schools.

    3. To gain input from Conference participants and state teams regarding the implementation of the recommendations detailed in Coming to our Senses, The Rockefeller report prepared by the Arts, Education and Americans Panel.

    4. To give visibility and recognition to arts and education programming activities currently being developed and/or implemented within the state of Arkansas. (p. v-vi)


State Programs.

The arts in education: the state education agency as leader.
     Oklahoma Department of Education.
     Pennsylvania Department of Education.
     Michigan Department of Education.

Leadership Development for arts in education.
     Pennsylvania Department of Education.

The artist as resource: How artists work with children and teachers/the arts
are the fourth R.
     Arkansas Arts Council.

Reaching beyond the walls: Arkansas Arts Center.

Coordination between cultural arts agencies and education agencies.
     North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.

Arts advocacy building and state plan implementation.
     Illinois Office of Education.

Working toward an interdisciplinary approach to state inservice education.
     Texas Women's University.

Large communities: The academics and the arts: Hand in hand.
     Valley View Consortium - Omaha, Nebraska.

Minnesota Alliance for arts in education demonstration sites: processes and plans.  
     Duluth Public Schools.
     Montevideo Middle School.
     Wells Public schools.

AEIOU Aesthetics.
     Wells Public Schools.

In quest of coordination and responsiveness among arts education resources.
     Young Audiences Program Research Project.

Oklahoma summer arts institute: arts programming for the gifted and talented students.
     Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, Inc.

Learning through the arts: New Orleans Public Schools.

The Arts and school development.
     Minneapolis Public Schools.
     New York City Public Schools.
     Seattle Public Schools.

Opening Doors: The community and the school as partners: Arts Council
of Oklahoma City.

It makes the classroom come alive: Utilizing an integrated arts resource team.
     Jefferson County (Colorado) Schools.

A community resource center for the arts and humanities: Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Small communities: Cabbages and kings: changing teacher attitudes through inservice programs.
     Bettendorf (Iowa) Public Schools.

How a superintendent brought the fine arts council, public schools, universities and county government together to develop a cooperative community arts in education program by Jonesboro (Arkansas) Public Schools.

The Arts in Education.
     Little Rock (Arkansas) Public Schools.
     Hartford Public Schools, Hartford, Connecticut.
     Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, North Carolina.

An A.G.E. program that works for small communities.
     Hartford Public Schools.

The nuts and bolts of a community arts center for the handicapped.
     SARA's Center/Special arts and recreation activities.
     Great Neck, New York.

The whys and hows of aesthetic education.
     Webster College, Webster Groves, Missouri.

The Fargo Plan: Arts education from the inside out.
     Fargo Public Schools.

Arts in the basic curriculum (ABC): A superintendents perspective.
     Winston Salem/Forsyth County Public Schools, North Carolina.

Collage: an arts in education project.
     Rapides Parish School Board, Alexandria, Louisiana.

Resource Persons for the Arts in Education.
National Committee Alliance for Arts Education.
Alliance for Arts Education Staff.
Alliance for Arts Education State Chairpersons.
Delegates List for the Little Rock Conference.
Coming to our Senses The Arts in Education.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 119



Name: Alliance for Arts Education New Jersey (defunct)

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