The Professional Education and Career Entry of Artists

Author: International Council of Fine Arts Deans

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


Report on a conference held in Florence, May 24-30, 1981 and a seminar held in Bellagio, Italy, June 1-5, 1981 sponsored by the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. From May 24-30, 1981, in Florence, Italy, sixty-six men and women from eleven countries convened to discuss the professional education and career entry of artists. Under the sponsorship of the International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD), the meeting brought together for the first time a representative group of European and North American leaders in the education and training of students preparing for professional careers in music, theatre, dance, visual arts, cinema, and television.


Report on a conference held in Florence, May 24-30, 1981 and a seminar held in Bellagio, Italy, June 1-5, 1981 sponsored by the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. From May 24-30, 1981, in Florence, Italy, sixty-six men and women from eleven countries convened to discuss the professional education and career entry of artists. Under the sponsorship of the International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD), the meeting brought together for the first time a representative group of European and North American leaders in the education and training of students preparing for professional careers in music, theatre, dance, visual arts, cinema, and television.

Immediately following the meeting in Florence, from June 1-5, a smaller group of twenty participants in the Florence Conference met at the Rockefeller Foundation's Study and Conference Center at Bellagio on Lake Como to analyze the results of the Florence gathering and to formulate an agenda for action on the major recommendations from the prior week's discussions. This report is an attempt to set forth the highlights of both meetings. Also included, as an appendix, are texts and excerpts of prepared statements by several of the participants, a roster of those who attended, and a brief description of ICFAD. (p. 5)

Introduction: Background of meetings and selection of participants.
The Florence conference: Structure.
The Chairman's charge.
Institutional characteristics.
Curriculum and purpose.
Other concerns.
Career entry.
Conclusions and recommendations.
The seminar in Bellagio: Recommendations for action.
Conclusion: A beginning?
Postlude: ICFAD action at Bellagio and Los Angeles.
Appendix A: Prepared presentations and extended remarks:
                         The education and career entry of visual artists in Great Britain by
                         Ian Simpson, Principal, St. Martin's School of Art, London.
                         The education and career entry of students in cinema and television by
                         Raymond Ravar, Secretary-General, CILECT and Director INSAS,
                         Music education in Europe by Claude Viala, Secretary-General,
                         European Conservatories, Music Academies and Hochschulen; and
                         Director, Conservatory of Music, Geneva.
                         The Prix de Lausanne and the career entry of young dancers in
                         Europe by Phillipe Braunschweig, President, Foundation for
                         Choreographic Art, Lausanne. 
                         The mimic method of training actors and artists by Orazio Costa
                         Giovangigli, Centro di Aviamento all' Espressione, Florence.
                         Some Observations on Professional Education in the Arts in the
                          by Roger L. Stevens, Chairman, John F. Kennedy
                         Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC.
Appendix B: ICFAD background information.
Appendix C: History and purpose.
                    Current activities.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 28



Name: International Council of Fine Arts Deans

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