Problems and Issues in the Development of an Econometric Model of the Performing Arts

Author: Greenfield, Harry I. and Schwarz, Samuel

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


This study sought to construct an econometric model for analyzing the economic behavior of the non-profit performing arts, as well as to assess the model's data requirements in the context of the NEA's interest in developing an economic data series on art and cultural institutions. Our task was complicated by the poor quality or short-term nature of available data. However, extensive raw data has been collected for a number of years by the American Symphony Orchestra League. By drawing upon the data collected by the ASOL, we believed it possible to come close to obtaining all the variables of interest.

Abstract: This study sought to construct an econometric model for analyzing the economic behavior of the non-profit performing arts, as well as to assess the model's data requirements in the context of the NEA's interest in developing an economic data series on art and cultural institutions. Our task was complicated by the poor quality or short-term nature of available data. However, extensive raw data has been collected for a number of years by the American Symphony Orchestra League. By drawing upon the data collected by the ASOL, we believed it possible to come close to obtaining all the variables of interest. Consequently, we created a detailed aggregate data base for seventeen major orchestras spanning a quarter century (probably the first of its kind in the arts field) utilizing ASOL data. This symphony data base was used to refine and develop the model reviewed below. Crucial to understanding this model is our revision of the traditional approach to the analysis of the non-profit earnings gap. (p. 43)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


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Name: Walters Art Gallery

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