The Planning Process for State Arts Agencies: Interim Report of a Pilot Project of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Author: Dokken, Deborah

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The purpose of this report is share experiences on organizational planning by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and the Federal - State Partnership Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. The response developed into the pilot planning project of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.


The purpose of this report is share experiences on organizational planning by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and the Federal - State Partnership Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. The response developed into the pilot planning project of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. The project is essentially an experiential research effort utilizing pilot states to benefit the rest of us. The purpose of this report is to begin to share these experiences and to present some models, guides and learnings from them.

The majority of this report is compiled from on-site documentation done during actual project activities. However, the planning process in the four pilot state arts agencies and the project as a whole are not yet complete. More development and refinement are required. Therefore, this is an interim progress report - a working document which will be up-dated later. As such, it enables us to experience some of the excitement of the process and also it calls attention to the complexity and frustrations of planning. We present this report to you with caution; reading it will not make you a planner. Our learnings from the project suggest that professional guidance be obtained before trying to apply the processes and tools described. (p. 3)

Background and development of the project.
The consultative relationship.
Summary of project learnings and potentials.
Section 1: development of the planning process in our pilot state arts agencies.
Section 2: models and guides: tools for the planning process.
Roster of participants.
Readings and resources.
National assembly of state arts agencies.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 132



Name: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Website URL: