Planning for the Arts: A Community Handbook

Author: Boaz, Mark

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The primary purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of the planning process for use by art administrators, special art consultants, municipal officials, and the general population. The handbook should be viewed as a starting point or introduction to the arts planning process which must be adapted to the specific problems and possibilities facing local arts program. (p. 1)


The primary purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of the planning process for use by art administrators, special art consultants, municipal officials, and the general population. The handbook should be viewed as a starting point or introduction to the arts planning process which must be adapted to the specific problems and possibilities facing local arts program. (p. 1)

I. Introduction.

II. The Community Arts Council and the Local Arts Program. 

A. Functions of the Arts Council. 
    1. The programming function.
    2. The public relations function.
    3. The information and service function.
    4. The planning function.

III. Information needs in the planning function. 

A. Community systems information. 
    1. Population characteristics of the community.
    2. Transportation characteristics of the community.
    3. Economic characteristics of the community. 

B. Arts facility and audience information. 
C. Sources of assistance to the community arts programs.

IV. The Survey process. 

A. Types of surveys needed by the Community Arts Council.
    1. The community attitude Survey.
    2. The arts program and facility survey. 

B. Survey design and administration.
    1. A matter of form: How should the questionnaire be constructed?
    2. A question of distribution: how should the survey be administered?
    3. A question of size: how large a sample should be used?

V. The community arts plans. 

A. Functions of the community arts plan.
    1. Policy determination function.
    2. Education function.
    3. Communication function. 

B. Subject matter of the community arts plan.
    1. Overall form.
    2. Contents and organization. 
        (a) setting the stage.
        (b) examination of the adequacy of present art programs and
        (c) examination of the present and future needs of art user and
             provider groups. 

C. Distribution of the community arts plan. 
D. Once the plan: What next?

Appendix I.  Sources of assistance to the community arts program.
Appendix II.  The Community Attitude Survey.
Appendix III. The Arts Program and Facility Survey.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 96



Name: Illinois Arts Council

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