Planning and Its Relation to the Grant Making Process

Author: Napier, Rodney

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


This paper represents a summary of a broad based investigation of planning practices used by State Arts Agencies as part of their effort to seek funding from the Office of the Federal - State Partnership, National Endowment for the Arts. An attempt has been made to synthesize a wide variety of data, interpret the information and, whenever appropriate, establish firm recommendations for the consideration of the Federal - State Panel. The data provides a clear view of the problems hindering the planning - funding process at the state level and the decision-making process at the federal level. (p. 116)


This paper represents a summary of a broad based investigation of planning practices used by State Arts Agencies as part of their effort to seek funding from the Office of the Federal - State Partnership, National Endowment for the Arts. An attempt has been made to synthesize a wide variety of data, interpret the information and, whenever appropriate, establish firm recommendations for the consideration of the Federal - State Panel. The data provides a clear view of the problems hindering the planning - funding process at the state level and the decision-making process at the federal level. (p. 116)

Part I.    A Review of planning practices as utilized by ten state arts agencies in
             preparation for the BSAG review.

1. The extent of collaboration in the planning process.
2. The use of a local or statewide needs assessment.
3. Identified needs and a planning response to those needs.
4. Objectives and their relationship to the planning process.
5. Evaluation of proposals.

Part II.  An exploration of possible causal factors underlying ineffective BSAG
Part III.  The BSAG review process - the ideal.
Part IV. The BSAG review process - response in a transition year.
Part V.  A new direction - implications for Endowment policy.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 14



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