A Plan for a Technical Assistance Information Service System

Author: Taft Corporation

Publication Year: 1968

Media Type: Report


In the view of continuing need to fund non-profit organizations, the New York State Council on the Arts retained the firm of J. Richard Taft & Associates of Washington, D.C. to study and plan an information service concerning Federal, Foundation, Corporate, and other sources of financial assistance for the performing and visual arts. From this information a full-time Development Program would be established to assist individuals and groups seeking financial aid not otherwise available from the Council.


In the view of continuing need to fund non-profit organizations, the New York State Council on the Arts retained the firm of J. Richard Taft & Associates of Washington, D.C. to study and plan an information service concerning Federal, Foundation, Corporate, and other sources of financial assistance for the performing and visual arts. From this information a full-time Development Program would be established to assist individuals and groups seeking financial aid not otherwise available from the Council.

I. Introduction.

II. JRTA's overall view of the Council's operations.

III. An analysis and evaluation of the Council's grant-making procedures.

IV. Review of the past grant recipients and in-depth interviews with arts organizations
     throughout the state. 

A. Need for in-depth interviews. 
B. Purpose of interviews. 
C. Criteria for selection. 
D. Arts organizations interviewed. 
E. Results of in-depth interviews. 
F. Conclusions.

V. Model of a technical assistance information system. 

A. Scope of the technical assistance information system. 
B. Structure of program within the Council's framework. 
C. Who is eligible to apply? 
D. Criteria for the selection of participants.
E. Services to be provided. 
F. The work program for each participant. 
G. Timetable for programs operations. 
H. Personnel required. 
 I. The budget.

VI. Burden of fund-raising success.

VII. JRTS's assistance and guidance in establishing the Council's development 

VIII. Continuing research.

     Appendix A. Basic fund-raising requirements.
     Appendix B. Questionnaire for use in selecting program participants.
     Appendix C. Outline of basic proposal for an arts organization.
     Appendix D. Foundations.
     Appendix E. Corporations.
     Appendix F. Federal agencies.
     Appendix G. An explanation of how arts organizations can identify potential
                        sources of funds among wealthy individuals in their communities.
     Appendix H. Bibliography.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising, Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 94




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