A Plan for Collecting Economic Information About Arts Institutions

Author: Booz, Allen and Hamilton

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


This report summarizes the latest in a series of studies sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts concerning the collection and use of economic information on arts insitutions. The goal of this study is to compare the costs of the two principal alternatives for collecting data from arts institutions and to recommend a plan for putting the preferred method into operation. This report summarizes the results of the study and the plan that resulted from it.


This report summarizes the latest in a series of studies sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts concerning the collection and use of economic information on arts insitutions. The goal of this study is to compare the costs of the two principal alternatives for collecting data from arts institutions and to recommend a plan for putting the preferred method into operation. This report summarizes the results of the study and the plan that resulted from it. To clarify the results, a brief synopsis of earlier studies is provided in the next several sections. (p. 1)

Booz, Allen & Hamilton is pleased to submit this final report outlining a plan for collecting economic information about art institutions. The report is organized into six sections: Sections 1 through 3 summarize the major conclusions of previous studies, review existing sources of information, and discuss strategies for developing an economic data program. Sections 4 through 6 present our recommendations for collecting data on an annual basis. Included is a discussion of the options considered, a task plan for the development and implementation of the recommended approach and estimates of the costs associated with development and annual operations.

This report is one of two products resulting from our seven week study; the second is a presentation on November 13 to the National Council on the Arts based on the report.

1. More and better information is needed to provide a clear picture of the economic
    condition of arts institutions.

    1. The National Council on the Arts needs reliable economic information about arts institutions in order to respond to their needs.
    2. Congress and OMB are requiring more information from the Endowment about the economic condition of arts institutions.
    3. Existing data collection efforts do not provide the information that is required.

2. To meet the need for better economic information, the Endowment has sponsored
    several studies to evaluate the problem and propose corrective measures.

    1. Different aspects of the problem were addressed in four earlier studies.
    2. A list of essential data for an economic information program has been compiled.

3. An annual survey of arts institutions is the first step toward developing a clear
    picture of their economic conditions and prospects.

    1. The comprehensive program to collect economic information consists of three components.
    2. A regular annual survey is essential to provide continuous data for forecasting and analysis.
    3. Five-year censuses and quick-response surveys augment and strengthen the annual survey.

4. A number of annual data collection options were studied prior to selection of a
    preferred approach.

    1. A detailed cost analysis was made of the principal alternatives.
    2. The grant application supplement appears to be the best option for annual data collection.

5. A detailed strategy and cost analysis has been prepared for making the
    recommended approach operational within two years.

    1. The recommended approach involves development and initial implementation of data collection by an outside contractor under close Endowment supervision.
    2. Detailed cost estimates by major task have been prepared for both the development stage and for annual operations.
    3. Future costs should remain stable except for increases in the number of applications or inflationary increases.

6. Much of the developmental work could be completed by the end of the current
    fiscal year if work began in January 1978.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 17




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