The Place of Art in the World of Architecture

Author: Thalacker, Donald W.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book



This book recounts the Art-in-Architecture Program of the General Services Administration (GSA). This program has been responsible for the placement of hundreds of artworks in federal buildings across the nation. The author tells the story behind these works, from artist's concept to installation. He describes the commissioning of each artist, the fabrication of the works, their critical reception, and the public controversy surrounding many of them. Include black-and-white as well as color photos and illustrations.

William King/Akron, Ohio.
Sherri Smith/Ann Arbor, Michigan.
George Sugarman/Baltimore, Maryland.
George Segal/Buffalo, New York.
Ilya Bolotowsky/Chicago, Illinois.
Alexander Calder/Chicago, Illinois.
Robert Mangold/Columbus, Ohio.
Stephen Antonakos/Dayton, Ohio.
Joseph Konzal/Dayton, Ohio.
Robert Maki/Eugene, Oregon.
Blue Sky/Florence, South Carolina.
Lynne Golog Gelfman/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Doug Moran/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Sylvia Stone/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Mark di Suvero/Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Peter Voulkos/Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sharyn Amii Mills/Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ruthadell Anderson/Honolulu, Hawaii.
George Rickey/Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lin Emery/Ouma, Louisiana.
Milton Glaser/Indianapolis, Indiana.
William Goodman/Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Charles Ross/Lincoln, Nebraska.
Robert Howard/Louisville, Kentucky.
Louis Bourgeois/Manchester, New Hampshire.
Roberto Rios/Marfa, Texas.
Leonard Baskin/Nashville, Tennessee.
James Surls/New Bedford, Massachusetts.
Hale Boggs Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse/New Orleans, Louisiana.
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building/Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Geoffrey Naylor/Orlando, Florida.
Al Held/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Louise Nevelson/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Charles Searles/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
David von Schlegell/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jack Youngerman/Portland, Oregon.
Dimitri Hadzi/Portland, Oregon.
Lia Cook/Richmond, California.
Richard Hunt/Richmond, California.
Janet Kuemmerlein/Richmond, California.
Gyongy Laky/Richmond, California.
John Rietta/Roanoke, Virginia.
Duayne Hatchett/Rochester, New York.
Charles Ginnever/St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ned Smyth/St. Thomas, Virgin Island.
Bruce Beasley/San Diego, California.
Beverly Pepper/San Diego, California.
Lenore Tawney/Santa Rosa, California.
Isamu Noguchi/Seattle, Washington.
Harold Balazs/Seattle, Washington.
Philip McCracken/Seattle, Washington.
Lyman Kipp/Van Nuys, California.
Hubert H. Humphrey Building/Washington, D.C.
Tony Smith/Washington, D.C.
Frank Stella/Wilmington, Delaware.
Rudolph Heintze/Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Works in Progress.
Appendix A: Artworks in Federal Buildings, 1962-1966.
Appendix B: Nominating Panels.
Appendix C: Artworks in Federal Buildings, 1972-1979.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-87754-098-5

Pages: 224



Name: Chelsea House Publishers

Website URL: