People in Planning

Author: Dokken, Deborah

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


This workbook is one of a group of materials entitled People in Planning which resulted from a pilot project of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies funded by the Office for Partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts. The collaborative project of NASAA and the Endowment responded to a need expressed by the State Arts Agency field - the need for consultation and skills development in the area of organizational planning.


This workbook is one of a group of materials entitled People in Planning which resulted from a pilot project of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies funded by the Office for Partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts. The collaborative project of NASAA and the Endowment responded to a need expressed by the State Arts Agency field - the need for consultation and skills development in the area of organizational planning.

Over a three year period (November 1977-November 1980) eight State Arts Agencies, each working with a professional consultant, developed and used planning tools and processes for their own agencies. Each of the eight agencies had volunteered to be a part of the pilot project and in doing so had agreed to share its experiences and learnings with other agencies in the field through a variety of dissemination activities.

In using this workbook you will benefit from those experiences and learnings. However, the workbook is intended as a guided process to help you in planning for the needs and resources of your own agency - to help you make choices about your own planning process. You will not find answers here; rather you will find useful guidelines for your own planning efforts.

The material contained in the workbook is relevant to a number of different agencies and groups. Used sequentially, it will be helpful to those who have not done comprehensive planning before. However, agencies which have already completed systematic planning processes will find the material useful in suggesting ways to revise planning in the future. Although based on the experiences of State Arts Agencies, the majority of the material can be used by any organization, agency or group doing planning. (p. 4)

Phase 1 Looking at:

Step 1.    Where to begin - Reviewing the agency's mission and structure, past
               accomplishments in planning, factors which may influence planning.
Step 2.    What resources to use - Determining what people, skills, information,
               and budget are needed for the planning process.
Product:   A blueprint for planning - An initial description of agency needs
               for planning.

Phase 2 Working on:

Step 3.    Gathering information - Developing a reality base on which to plan.
Step 4.    Defining direction - Establishing goals, objectives, and strategies for
               programs, services and activities.
Product:   An agency plan - A consolidation of action-planning priorities.

Phase 3 Checking on:

Step 5.    How resources match - Preparing to implement the plan through
               organizing and staffing.
Step 6.    Where progress occurs - Evaluating program effectiveness, individual
               performance, and the planning process itself. 
Product:   A report of progress and projections - A summary which
               measures the past and leads into the future.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Organizational Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 152



Name: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Website URL: