New York City Resources for the Arts and Artists

Author: Cultural Council Foundation

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


This is a listing of services and support available through the agencies and instiutitions of New York City.


This is a listing of services and support available through the agencies and instiutitions of New York City.

The New York City Cultural Council has felt for some time that more information was needed about the variety of services available to arts organizations, not only through City agencies, but through institutions receiving City funds. While it appears that the greatest need of such groups will always be money, there are often services available which could be crucial to the success of an organization if it only knew that they existed.

This book has been divided into four major sections:

  • Employment possibilities:
    In this section you will read about the availability of specific individual arts related employment, opportunities for performances, and general potential funding. You should find pertinent information throughout.

  • Space:
    Here we let you know where you can obtain all kinds of space: rehearsal, studio, performance, meeting, exhibition, indoor and outdoor. We tell you what it consists of, what equipment is available, who is eligible, and how to apply. This information, combined with that in the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Afairs' Spaces for the Performing Arts, (available from the Department of Cultural Affairs for $1.00) pretty well covers what is available in New York City. It is always advisable to check with the agency, library, museum or whatever for up-to-date information.

  • Services:
    This section of the survey lists where and how to get expensive items on a temporary basis. Items like sound systems, chairs, stage platforms and lights - equipment you probably can't afford to buy and don't need all the time anyway. You will also find listings on technical assistance, program and budget advice, and grantsmanship which are offered by organizations serving the arts community. Most of the services outlined in this section are free and where they are not, fees are generally low. Remember that most of this section deals only with organizations which receive City funds; there are many private organizations which also provide services you will need.

  • Permits and licenses:
    If you are planning almost any public event you probably need some sort of permit or license. This section will tell you what you need and how to obtain it; there is also additional information under Services, so check both carefully.

Within each section we have made divisions by sources of aid:

  • Agencies.
  • Institutions.
  • Borough Arts Councils.
  • Borough President's offices.
  • Libraries.
  • Colleges. (p. 1-3)

Introduction - English.
Introduction - Spanish.
Employment and funding possibilities.
Permits and licenses.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 95



Name: Cultural Council Foundation

Website URL: