New Places for the Arts

Author: Educational Facilities Laboratories

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report


[This book is designed to] dramatize the commitment to facilities made by arts organizations and agencies all over the country - a commitment which is having a significant impact on the quality of life and the physical environment of many neighborhoods and urban centers. The purpose is to gather basic information on 49 new arts facilities as a resource for arts organizations and planners interested in similar kinds of facilities.


[This book is designed to] dramatize the commitment to facilities made by arts organizations and agencies all over the country - a commitment which is having a significant impact on the quality of life and the physical environment of many neighborhoods and urban centers. The purpose ... is ... to gather basic information on 49 new arts facilities as a resource for arts organizations and planners interested in similar kinds of facilities. . . . to provide a representative variety of physical facilities in a mix of geographic settings, especially those with meaning for typical American cities and regions. (Foreword, p.3).

This report describes 49 buildings almost all completed since 1965 - the most recent ... October 1975. Photographs and a floor plan, a brief listing of the major spaces provided, the cost, area, and date completed describe each building. Architects and other consultants responsible for design of the facility are also given. The buildings have been divided into three categories: museums, performing arts, and arts centers. For each type, a wide variety of examples was sought - in size, geographic distribution, function, and architectural styles.

While compiling the examples ... [the authors] observe several major themes that might be considered by arts facilities planners: Arts facilities and downtown renewal. The role of professional consultants. Participation of the users in planning. Make sure you can afford to operate what your're planning to build. Sharing the costs of building and operation. Planning for the handicapped. The planning process. (Introduction, p. 5-6).

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Facilities


Series Title:




Pages: 75



Name: Educational Facilities Laboratories

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