New Cultural Policy in Sweden

Author: Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


This is a report by the National Council for Cultural Affairs in Sweden. The council, according to the rules issued at the time of its establishment (January 1, 1969), is to investigate primarily three central questions: the long-term aims of states measures in the cultural field, the mutual collaboration between state, municipal and other work in the field and the need of coordination among these and state measures for various groups of cultural workers. The report presented covers the first two of these questions.


This is a report by the National Council for Cultural Affairs in Sweden. The council, according to the rules issued at the time of its establishment (January 1, 1969), is to investigate primarily three central questions: the long-term aims of states measures in the cultural field, the mutual collaboration between state, municipal and other work in the field and the need of coordination among these and state measures for various groups of cultural workers. The report presented covers the first two of these questions. The council presents proposals for the limitation of the area for measures of cultural policy and the goals of society's cultural policy. The Council furthermore gives its views on the organizational and economic aspects, taking up the cultural institutions, free collective creative activity, the organization of the cultural field and premises for cultural and other activities. Finally, the council treats society's economic measures in the cultural field. (p. 7).

1. The tasks and work of the National Council for Cultural Affairs.
2. The goals of society's cultural policy.
3. The structure of the cultural field.
4. The organizations and forms of activity of the publicly supported cultural institutions.
5. Free collective creative activity.
6. The future organization of cultural activity.
7. Premises for cultural and association activities.
8. Public expenditure.

     The present organization of cultural activity. 
          1. The state cultural organization. 
          2. The country councils and regional cultural activities. 
          3. The municipalities and local cultural activities.
          4. Adult education work.
          5. Organizations with premises of their own.
          6. Organizations in the labour [labor] market field.
          7. Organizations producing and supplying products.
          8. Certain organizations of a national character.
          9. Private cultural activity.

Some relevant publications in the field of cultural policy.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 168



Name: The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs

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