National Museums Policy for the 80's

Author: Canadian Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


At its meeting in September 1979, the Board of Trustees of the National Museums of Canada (NMC) decided to undertake a full review of the Corporation's policies and programmes [programs]. The purpose of this review was to provide the Board with the information required to chart a course for the Corporation's activities in the next decade, a course which would ensure the continued development of excellence in museum programming for the Canadian people both in the nation's capital and nation-wide. (p. i)


At its meeting in September 1979, the Board of Trustees of the National Museums of Canada (NMC) decided to undertake a full review of the Corporation's policies and programmes [programs]. The purpose of this review was to provide the Board with the information required to chart a course for the Corporation's activities in the next decade, a course which would ensure the continued development of excellence in museum programming for the Canadian people both in the nation's capital and nation-wide. (p. i)

Executive summary and main recommendations.

1. Philosophical premise.

A. The nature, purpose and functions of museums.
B. Public support of museums.

2. The past.

A. The National Museums of Canada: background and history.
B. The nature and purpose of the National Museums of Canada.

3. The present. 

A. Organizational context: 
       1. The major components of the corporation.
       2. Related federal agencies.
       3. Provincial governments and federal-provincial relations.
       4. Municipal governments.
       5. Other Canadian museums.
       6. Related scholarly organizations.
       7. Corporate and individual involvement.
       8. Conclusion. 

B. Environmental factors necessitating change: 
      1. Internal pressures within the corporation.
      2. The impact of the national museum policy.
      3. Inadequacies of the corporate structure.
      4. The arm's length principle.
      5. Accommodation and the ethics of collection and preservation.
      6. Shortage of qualified staff.
      7. Corporate communications.
      8. The NMC's contemporary image. 

C. Pressures among and from the Canadian museum community: 
      1. Impact of the National Museum policy on the Canadian museum
      2. Perceived conflicts of interest.
      3. National exhibition centres [centers].
      4. Pressures on and within the federal government.
      5. Federal/provincial relations and museum policy.
      6. Rationalizing federal museological activities.
      7. The national museum policy: slightly ahead of our time.
      8. NMC policy and programme review. 

4. The future. 

A. Museums in transition. 

B. The role of the federal government:
      1. The options.
      2. Choice of options.
      3. Recommended role for the federal government.

C. The mandate of the National Museums Corporation re-examined. 

D. Objectives for the National Museums of Canada. 

E. Priorities:
      1. Accommodation.
      2. Reinforcement of the arm's length principle.
      3. Structural change.
      4. Resources.
      5. Restructuring the museum assistance programmes.
      6. Improvement in collections management.
      7. Conservation.
      8. Research.
      9. Public programmes.
    10. Other priorities for action.

F. Other concerns of the board.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title:




Pages: 100



Name: National Museums of Canada

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