National Endowment for the Arts: Guide to Programs, 1975-1976

Author: National Endowment for the Arts

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report



This booklet is designed to help individuals and organizations determine if their project is eligible for assistance from the National Endowment for the Arts. (from How to Use this Booklet) The major goals of the Arts Endowment are to make the arts more widely available to millions of Americans, to preserve our rich cultural heritage for present and future generations, to strengthen cultural organizations, and to encourage the creative development of our nation's finest talent. These aims are accomplished by awarding grants to individuals of exceptional talent and to nonprofit tax-exempt organizations representing the highest quality in the fields of architecture and environmental arts, crafts, dance, education, expansion arts, folk arts, literature, museums, music, public media, theater, visual arts among others. A separate program provided matching bloc grants to official state arts agencies which also receive grants from other Endowment program areas. (p. 3)

How to Use this Booklet.
National Endowment for the Arts (includes history, funding, structure of the endowment and resolution on accessibility to the arts for the handicapped).
Essential Information for All Applicants (includes general eligibility requirement, methods of funding, how to apply, application review procedure, and areas generally not funded).
Bicentennial Projects.
Architecture + Environmental Arts Program (includes professional education an development, programs, assistance to state arts agencies, and excellence in federal design).
Dance Program (includes touring programs; development of resident professional dance companies; choreography fellowships and production grants; and programs).
Education Program (includes Artists-in-Schools, and Alternative Education Forms).
Expansion Arts Programs (includes community cultural centers; art exposure programs; summer programs; state arts agencies-expansion arts and neighborhoods art service).
Federal-State Partnership (includes grants to state and regional arts organizations).
Folk Arts.
Literature Program (includes fellowships for professional writers; poetry in the schools; readings and residencies for writers; assistance to small presses; and literary magazines).
Museum Program (includes purchasing plans, conservation programs, museum training, renovation and fellowships).
Music Program (includes orchestra, opera, and jazz programs; The National Opera Institute and training programs).
Public Media Program (includes programming in the arts, regional development, media studies, and The American Film Institute).
Special Projects Program (includes pilot programs in arts centers and festivals, and community programs).
Theater Program (includes aid to professional and experimental theaters; new play producing groups, and playwright development programs; and theater for youth).
Visual Arts Program (includes fellowships to artists, printmakers and photographers; and art critics, photographers, and craftsmen in residency programs).
Work Experience Internship Program.
Calendar of Application Deadlines.
List of State Arts Agencies.
Publications and Films of Interest.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 99



Name: National Endowment for the Arts

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