National Arts Stabilization Journal: Measuring Joy: Evaluation in the Arts

Author: Harder, Paul; Bedwell, Deboarh; Cameron, Elizabeth; Hockett, Carol; Williams, Patterson B.; Godfrey, Marian A.; Masaki, Karen; Campbell, Andrew; Berger, Ted; O'Meara, Sharon; Egan, Patricia; See Notes for additional authors

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)


The theme of this issue of the National Arts Stabilization Journal is Measuring Joy: Evaluation in the Arts.


The theme of this issue of the National Arts Stabilization Journal is Measuring Joy: Evaluation in the Arts. It calls attention to two major challenges facing arts organizations:

  1. building a strong organizational framework for the creative work (stabilization, capacity-building, and other interventions); and
  2. assessing the impact of what they do (evaluation).

Ideally the two concepts are closely related—successful arts managers use feedback about how they are doing to improve the way they work. Funders, evaluators, and professors of management are hopeful that the world works this way. In practice, however, most art managers admit that formal evaluations seldom provide the kind of information they needs and some decisions don't depend on data, they depend on vision, intuition, and talent. In this way, arts managers are no different than their brother and sisters in any nonprofit management position.

Evaluation in the Arts: Finding the Connection.
Evaluation and the Arts Manager.
Measuring Joy: Evaluation at Baltimore Clayworks.
Logic Model Worksheet for Arts Organizations.
Using Evaluation to Reach the Museum Visitor.
Test Cases for New Ways of Looking.
Visitor Evaluation and Museum Education.
Evaluation and the Grant Maker.
The Role of Evaluation in Strategic Philanthropy at The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Partners in Evaluation Research: Six Stabilization and Capacity-Building Programs.

  1. Hawaii Community Foundation
  2. Los Angeles County Arts Commission
  3. New York Foundation for the Arts
  4. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
  5. National Arts Stabilization: Baltimore Region Mid-Size Arts Stabilization Project
  6. Arts Council of England: Stabilisation Programme

A Funders Perspective on Measuring Stabilization.
A Field Still Emerging.
Evaluating the Impact of Arts Stabilization and Capacity-Building Programs.
Evaluation: A Tool for Enhancing the Performance of Arts Organizations.
For Further Information.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Organizational Planning, Leadership


Series Title: National Arts Stabilization Journal

Edition: Issue Number 6



Pages: 43



Name: National Arts Stabilization

Website URL: