Museum-Art Education Seminars

Author: City College, Institute for the Study of Art in Education

Publication Year: 1971

Media Type: Report



The educational role of art museums in New York State as well as nationally has increased dramatically in importance over the past decade. As a result, the Institute for the Study of Art in Education sensed the need to explore this expanded role of museums, especially in relationship to art education programs as developed in the schools. A series of seminars was proposed which would bring together museum personnel, art educators, artists, critics, and administrators and other interested professionals in the field so that a continuing dialogue could begin to develop. The New York State Council on the Arts graciously agreed to support these seminars.

The following report provides the structural base of the seminars as well as some comment as to the proceedings themselves. The seminars, basically, consisted of a position paper given by Professor Irving Kaufman of City College, City University of New York. Three responses were made to the paper at a seminar held at the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery. These responses were delivered by Mr. Burt Towne, Director of Art, Rochester Public Schools; Mr. Robert Reals, Associate in Art, Bureau of Art Education, New York State Department of Education, Albany; and Ms. Charlotte Johnson, Head, Education Department, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Another seminar was held at the museum of Modern Art in New York City, and there responses were made by Dr. Elliot Eisner, Stanford University, Stanford, California; Mr. Edward Spriggs, Director, the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York City; and Mr. David Hupert, Head, Education Department, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City. Various members of the audience (in each instance about two hundred invited individuals involved in art education and museum education) were then given an opportunity to participate by commenting upon and questioning the papers that were delivered. The resulting exchanges were lively indeed, as is indicated in the report. In addition, a general session with no specific structure was held at the Whitney Museum Resources Center where another one hundred and fifty participants held an outsized dialogue on education in art. Finally, a small culminating seminar was held at the offices of the John D. Rockefeller III fund offices. Professor Dore Ashton, Cooper Union, New York City, attended all of the sessions and offers her impressions in the introduction as well as generally serving as editor for this report. Dr. Jerome Hausman of New York University, New York City, who also attended all of the sessions, provides some concluding remarks, reflecting the sense of the final seminar. In addition, a Museum-School Art Education Questionnaire and its analysis is incorporated into the body of the report. (Preface)

Introduction by Dore Ashton.
Encounter in museum and art education by Irving Kaufman.
Response by David Hupert.
Response by Elliot W. Eisner.
Response by Edward S. Spriggs.
Response by Burt A. Towne.
Response by Robert L. Reals.
Response by Charlotte B. Johnson.
The museum-school art education questionnaire by Irving Kaufman.
Museum-art teacher roundtable: summary statement by Jerome J. Hausman.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 53



Name: City College, Institute for the Study of Art in Education

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