Minnesota: State of the Arts

Author: Governor's Commission on the Arts

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report




  • Section I:  The arts resources of Minnesota.
    • Chapter 1. Introduction
    • Chapter 2. Attendance at arts and cultural events in Minnesota.
    • Chapter 3. Artists in Minnesota.
    • Chapter 4. Arts services provided by community organizations.
    • Chapter 5. Elementary, Intermediate and secondary arts education in Minnesota.
    • Chapter 6. Arts education in Minnesota colleges and universities.
    • Chapter 7. The non-profit arts organizations in Minnesota: an introduction.
    • Chapter 8. Services provided by the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 9. Personnel and membership of the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 10. Operations and governance in the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 11. Facilities and equipment of the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 12. Operating expenditures of the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 13. Operating income of the non-profit
    • Chapter 14. Income and balances for capital accounts of the non-profit arts organizations.
    • Chapter 15. Financial trends in the operating funds of the non-profit arts organizations: 1969-1984.
    • Chapter 16. A suggested income pattern for the non-profit arts industry.
  • Section II. Funding of the arts in Minnesota.
    • Chapter 17. Public sector support of the arts.
    • Chapter 18. Private sector giving to the arts.
  • Section III. Appendices.
    • A. The value of the arts to Minnesota.
    • B. Methodology for the probe survey.
    • C. Methodology and addenda to artists study.
    • D. Methodology and respondents for the community organizations study.
    • E. Methodology and respondents for the elementary and secondary arts education studies.
    • F. Methodology and respondents for the college and university arts education study.
    • G. Methodology and respondents for the primary survey of the non-profit arts organizations.
    • H. Estimation procedure for performances, exhibitions and attendance.
    •  I. Line item definitions and line item subtotals for the primary survey.
    • J. Methodology for the comparability studies.
    • K. Methodology and respondents for the endowment fund study.
    • L. Methodology and respondents for the facilities fund study.
    • M. Methodology and respondents for the trend study.
    • N. Estimation procedure for the trend study of the non-profit arts industry.
    • O. Projection model for the expenditures of the non-profit arts industry.
    • P. Financial needs of the non-profit arts industry based on NCCR budget model.
    • Q. Dissenting opinion on public sector arts support.
    • R. Methodology for the public sector study.
    • S. Model for distribution of state funds for non-profit arts organizations.
    • T. Report of the Statewide planning committee of the Minnesota state arts board.
    • U. Methodology and respondents for the private sector study.
    • V. County and municipal funding for arts organizations.
    • W. Income and expenditures of the Governor's commission on the arts.
  • Selected bibliography.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 278



Name: Governor's Commission on the Arts

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