The Ministry of Culture: Connections Among Art, Money and Politics

Author: Mooney, Michael M.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


The author examines cultural policy as it developed under the Carter Administration, including the overlapping programs of various agencies; how agencies funded one another; how corporations joined in for political advantage; and how a small elite drawn from government, academia, and business worked together to create a new national culture. (Book cover).


The author examines cultural policy as it developed under the Carter Administration, including the overlapping programs of various agencies; how agencies funded one another; how corporations joined in for political advantage; and how a small elite drawn from government, academia, and business worked together to create a new national culture. (Book cover).

Part 1: The new foundation.

  1. Sketchbook/Ground zero:
           Permanent national bench mark, but there were many promised
           lands; now it's the arts.

  2. Profile/Joan of Arts:
           Mrs. Joan Adams Mondale.
           The new foundation.
           Politics in art.

  3. Sketchbook/Learning to understand - Sweet Georgia Brown: 
           The Teng Show - Propaganda at the Kennedy Center.

  4. Profile/The ministry of culture -Things go better with Coke: 
           The Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities meets.

  5. Profile/The ministry of culture:
           The political arts promoting humanism.
           The Cultural Directory lists more than 300 programs.

  6. Sketchbook/Treasury funds - How NEH made friends: 
           Forty parties and yellow and white striped tents upon the mall.

  7. Profile/Hostile treasury - Jamie Wyeth's phantom swiss chalet: 
           When high noon had passed, the ideology of Caesar
           administered with tax laws punished intuition, adventure,

  8. Sketchbook/NEA and Cultural Resources Incorporated:
           Picture your community without the arts.

Part 2: Understanding Congress.

  9. Sketchbook/Black-tie benefit at Bloomingdale's:
           $2 million in an evening bag from HUD.
           How understanding congress was financed for PBS. 
           An employment opportunity at NEA.

10. Profile/Education - The knowledge industry:
           Billions in entitlements.
           A new Department of Education created with political swat.
           Teachers would work in the primaries.

11. Sketchbook/PBS and ICA - Agencies of propaganda:
           PBS and CPB, private government corporations, imitating the
           USIA and VOA.
           Cultural affairs merged with ICA.
           Coordinated with NEA and NEH.
           How secrets were defined-espionage convictions at peace.

12. Potpourri/Goodwill, goodworks, and censorship:
           GSA frauds cured by prayer.
           The Smithsonian establishment. 
           Erica Jong censored.
           National Park Service censors H.L. Mencken.

13. Profile/NSF - The transcendental faith in technology: 
           Censors as perverts. 
           NSF makes ethical and political choices.
           How peer review panels served orthodoxy.
           Why progress terrified.

14. Sketchbook/CETA - Did 10,000 artists dance on CETA grants?:
           Progress had devastated the landscape.
           CETA's system of repairs.
           CETA blacklists Harrisburg magazine for a fiction.

15. Enemies of the people/Howard Morland and Jane Fonda:
           The fiction comes true when TMI melts.
           Justice gags the Progressive.
           How reality control works. 
           Speer's guilty plea at Nuremberg.

16. Profile/NEA - Scenes from a winter palace:
           With the farmers barricaded on the mall, the National Council on
           the Arts meets to discuss Folk Arts. 
           Secret briefing books.
           The House investigation reports.
           What music in America meant.

17. Farce/NEA - A kind of requiem has occurred:
           What Biddle meant by a positive approach.
           NEA's successful programs in dance, but money had no effect
           upon a dancer's legs.

18. Casebook/NEA - The day a documentary fund disappeared:
           When the wrong bidder wins.
           Insiders vs. outsiders.

19. Definitions/NEA - Subsidizing lint:
           Writers were an inconvenience to the new order. 
           A maze of guidelines made no difference anyway.

20. Burlesque/NEA and the prevention of literature:
           After George Plimpton was censored, Randolph constructed a
           national patronage system.
           Orwell's analysis of official schizophrenia.

21. Profile/NEH - A just and beautiful society: 
           Duffey's interpretations of his ministry.
           The religion of humanism examined.
           How NEH administered its catechism.

22. Temple secrets/NEH - The procedures of privilege:
           The First Amendment to protect government from farce, tragedy
           or both.
           NEH determined opposition to the FACA laws.
           A claim for exemptions for humanists exceeding those sought by

23. Songs for goats/The new order's secrets: 
           Preludes to farce or tragedy.
           The case of Ms. Julie Motz.
           Evaporating a history of Bennington.
           The pleiade deal.
           The secret Fischetti report.

24. The new order/A cauldron of fire, fanned by the wind:
           Obedience to false visions, worthless auguries, deluding fancies.


Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-671-61021-X (h)

Pages: 427



Name: Simon& Schuster, Inc.

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