The Metropolitan Philadelphia Philanthropy Study: Final Report

Author: Wolpert, Julian and Reiner, Thomas A.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


The primary purpose of the Metropolitan Philadelphia Philanthropy Study has been to provide descriptive information about philanthropy and non-profit organizations in the Philadelphia area. This study is intended to help donors and recipients of charitable gifts. These data can assist recipient organizations in planning and fund-seeking just as they expand the information base for donors' funding decisions.


The primary purpose of the Metropolitan Philadelphia Philanthropy Study has been to provide descriptive information about philanthropy and non-profit organizations in the Philadelphia area. This study is intended to help donors and recipients of charitable gifts. These data can assist recipient organizations in planning and fund-seeking just as they expand the information base for donors' funding decisions.

We have identified, as far as possible, the sources and totals of philanthropic giving to Philadelphia in 1973 (the base line year) and 1978, and used these data to anticipate trends in giving in the mid-range future (1983). For the purposes of the study, the Philadelphia area includes the five-county region of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties. Data has been collected on foundations, corporations, and individuals, as the three principal components of private-sector giving. Recipient non-profit organizations have been studied individually (through a recipient survey and tax returns), grouped by income size and by type of service in the sectors of welfare, health, education, arts and religion. Pass-throughs, such as the United Way, serve an intermediary function in philanthropy, acting as both recipients and distributors of funds and are discussed briefly in both the recipient and donor contexts.

Purposes and scope of the Metropolitan Philadelphia Study.


1. To characterize the size and scope of the philanthropic sector in Philadelphia.

Size of the philanthropic sector:
     Number of potential donors in the Philadelphia area:
          Corporations and businesses. 
          Corporate foundations. 
     Number of potential recipients in the Philadelphia area:
          Certified nonprofit organizations.
     Description of sample.
     Groups which channel contributions and serve the nonprofits.

Scope of philanthropy in Philadelphia:
     Totals donated to Philadelphia. 
     Scope of recipient services.
     Location of recipient organizations.

2. To identify the sources and uses of funds in philanthropic sector in

Sources of funds - Donors: 
     Donor profiles and preferences 1. Foundations. 
     Donor profiles and preferences 2. Corporations. 
          Predicting corporate philanthropy. 
          The influences of type of local office, number of local
          employees, and kind of business. 
     Donor profiles and preferences 3. Government.
     Donor profiles and preferences 4. Individuals.

Sources and uses of funds - Donor targeting: 
     Corporate Foundations.
     United Way Allocations.

Uses of funds - Recipients:
     Annual increase in revenue.
     Income surplus or deficit.
     Uses of funds by sector.
     Uses of funds by size of organization.
     Opinions and attitudes about fund-raising.

Summary and trends:
     Is there a service gap in Philadelphia?
     Financing problems of recipient organizations. 
     What are the future prospects of philanthropy in the 
     Philadelphia metropolitan area?
     Agendas for future action.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 53



Name: University of Pennsylvania, School of Public and Urban Policy

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