Matching Gifts to the Arts

Author: Strauss, Edward M. Jr.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


The growth in the number of companies that are using matching gift programs for the arts is accelerating at a rapid pace. For years this form of corporate philanthropic support has been used to match employee contributions to educational institutions. But it has only been relatively recent that the concept has expanded to cover arts and cultural interests. In 1975, we found only four corporations that matched their employee giving in this way. By early 1978, the number grew to twenty-nine. We now can list and describe fifty such programs which enable business organizations to participate in support of arts activities that are of particular interest to their employees. These corporations can be partners by matching employee contributions in equal multiple amounts. The companies listed here will be glad to provide further information on their programs and the reasons they have for undertaking them. The Business Committee for the Arts continues to offer assistance to any corporation in developing its own programs for matching employee giving to the arts.


The growth in the number of companies that are using matching gift programs for the arts is accelerating at a rapid pace. For years this form of corporate philanthropic support has been used to match employee contributions to educational institutions. But it has only been relatively recent that the concept has expanded to cover arts and cultural interests. In 1975, we found only four corporations that matched their employee giving in this way. By early 1978, the number grew to twenty-nine. We now can list and describe fifty such programs which enable business organizations to participate in support of arts activities that are of particular interest to their employees. These corporations can be partners by matching employee contributions in equal multiple amounts. The companies listed here will be glad to provide further information on their programs and the reasons they have for undertaking them. The Business Committee for the Arts continues to offer assistance to any corporation in developing its own programs for matching employee giving to the arts. (p. 1)

Allied Chemical Foundation.
Bankamerica Foundation.
The Boston Company.
The Boston Globe.
Boston Safe Deposit and Trust.
The Brunswick Foundation, Inc.
Bunge Corporation.
Celanese Corporation.
Charlestown Savings Bank.
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N. A.
Continental Bank Foundation.
Frederick W. Cook & Co. Inc.
Cooper Industries Foundation.
The Corning Glass Works Foundation.
CPC International, Inc.
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells.
Digital Equipment Corporation.
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation.
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the .
Esmark, Inc. Foundation.
Fiduciary Trust Company.
Gulf Oil Foundation.
Gulf & Western Foundation.
Houston Natural Gas Corporation.
Ingalls Associates, Inc.
International Minerals & Chemical Corporation.
Kimberly-Clark Foundation.
Kirkpatrick Oil Company.
Laventhol & Horvath.
Lever Brothers Company, Inc.
Little, Brown & Company.
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Merit Gasoline Foundation.
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York.
Murphy Oil Corporation.
The National Shawmut Bank of Boston.
The Northern Trust Company.
Polaroid Foundation, Inc.
The Quaker Oats Foundation.
Sun Company.
Textron, Inc.
Time Incorporated.
Transamerica Corporation.
William Underwood Co.
The UPS Foundation.
Wellington Management Company.
Xerox Corporation.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 14



Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.)

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