Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Author: Kotler, Philip

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book


The purpose of this book is to broaden and apply the conceptual system of marketing to the marketing problems of nonprofit organizations. Most marketing texts deal primarily with marketing institutions and practices found in the private-for-profit sector. This makes it difficult for nonprofit organization managers - public administrators, educators, museum directors, hospital administrators, family planners, religious leaders, foundation directors, social activists, urban planners, and others - to gain a direct and comprehensive idea of marketing that is relevant to their types of organizations. This book hopes to provide the needed introduction to marketing for these administrators.


The purpose of this book is to broaden and apply the conceptual system of marketing to the marketing problems of nonprofit organizations. Most marketing texts deal primarily with marketing institutions and practices found in the private-for-profit sector. This makes it difficult for nonprofit organization managers - public administrators, educators, museum directors, hospital administrators, family planners, religious leaders, foundation directors, social activists, urban planners, and others - to gain a direct and comprehensive idea of marketing that is relevant to their types of organizations. This book hopes to provide the needed introduction to marketing for these administrators.

The book is divided into six parts. Part I (Understanding Marketing) explains the nature, role and relevance of marketing to nonprofit organizations. Part II (Organizing Marketing) shows how marketing can be organized in non-profit organizations to carry out marketing analysis, planning, and control. Part III (Analyzing Marketing Opportunities) describes the major concepts and tools available to the organization to help it understand its markets and potential strategies. Part IV (Planning the Marketing mix) discusses the four major instruments - product, price, place and promotion - that constitute the organization's strategic and tactical means for relating to its markets. Part V (Attracting Resources) deals with attracting three major marketing resources - people, funds and votes. Finally, Part VI (Adapting marketing) examines how marketing principles and techniques can be adapted to the marketing of anything - services, persons, places and ideas. The reader familiar with the first edition of Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations will recognize that the second edition is greatly expanded in size and scope.

Each chapter begins with an appropriate story that sets the theme of the chapter. Many chapters include boxed exhibits of interesting developments and anecdotes concerning nonprofit organizations marketing. The second edition treats in depth a greater range of nonprofit sectors including education, health, religion, recreation, social services, performing arts, museums and zoos, libraries, public transportation, charitable organizations, government agencies and services, and trade and professional associations. (p. xiv-xv)


I. Understanding marketing. 

  1. Marketing's role in nonprofit organizations. 
  2. The responsive organization: Meeting consumer needs. 
  3. The adaptive organization: Developing strategic plans. 
  4. The entrepreneurial organization: Launching new services.

II. Organizing Marketing.

  5. Marketing organization.
  6. Marketing information and research.
  7. Marketing Planning and Control.

III. Analyzing marketing opportunities. 

  8. Market measurement and forecasting. 
  9. Market segmentation and targeting. 
10. Consumer analysis.

IV. Planning the marketing mix. 

11. Marketing programming and budgeting. 
12. Product decisions. 
13. Price decisions. 
14. Distribution decisions. 
15. Sales force decisions. 
16. Advertising and sales promotion decisions. 
17. Public relations decisions.

V. Attracting Resources. 

18. Recruitment marketing: Attracting people. 
19. Donor marketing: Attracting funds. 
20. Voter marketing: Attracting Votes.

VI. Adapting marketing. 

21. Marketing of services, persons and places. 
22. Marketing of ideas and causes: Social marketing.

[Bibliography in chapter notes].
Name index.
Topic Index.
Subject index.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:

Edition: 2nd edition


SBN/ISSN: 0-13-556142-6

Pages: 528



Name: Prentice-Hall, Inc

Website URL: