A Marketing and Economic Study of Selected Arts Organizations in the Greater Reno-Sparks Area

Author: Scully, Celia and White, Georgia

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


The purpose of the study was to gather information to aid in the development of a marketing management plan for Sierra Arts Foundation and to compile a data base useful to other arts organizations in developing individual marketing plans.


The purpose of the study was to gather information to aid in the development of a marketing management plan for Sierra Arts Foundation and to compile a data base useful to other arts organizations in developing individual marketing plans.


  1. To obtain data to support (or reject) hypothesis that dollars invested in the arts benefit the community directly and indirectly through: wages and salaries of full and part-time staff as well as participating artists. Expenditures by arts organizations for purchases of goods/services. Arts-related expenditures (other than tickets/admission fees) of persons attending cultural events/arts activities sponsored by arts organizations.

  2. To obtain data to include: characteristics of arts audiences, characteristics of potential arts consumers, demographics of audiences by arts form. Community interest and involvement in the arts as well as perceived barriers to participation in cultural events and arts activities. Visitor interest in community arts activities/cultural events.


The arts in the Greater Reno-Sparks Area are alive, visible and growing as is the area itself. Washoe County has experienced a 60% increase in population in the last decade and Reno is projected to be one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the next five years.

Comparative statistics in growth between first year of operation and last fiscal year reported by 15 institutions in the Arts Organization questionnaire show percentage increases in the number of tours (841%), numbers of classes/workshops/lectures (177%), number of events and exhibits (59%), total attendance (160%), and total operating budgets, now more than $1.5 million, representing an increase of 452%. Community involvement is especially notable in volunteer support (valued at more than a quarter million dollars in donated time, talent and expertise), in in-kind contributions (valued at $247,073) and in community representation on Boards of Directors or equivalent groups of 13 arts organizations.

The arts are good business and are conservatively estimated to contribute directly and indirectly more than $2.7 annually to the local economy. Combined arts budgets of the 15 organizations total $1,150,535 of which 53% represents support by the private sector; 21% earned income; and 19% public sector support. Direct expenditures include monies spent for salaries, buildings, taxes, equipment and services, and other arts-related expenses such as scholarships and awards. Direct spending, locally by the 15 organizations, together with the Nevada State Council on the Arts and arts audiences surveyed, total $1,357,982. Based on these direct expenditures, the multiplier effect of monies spent for ancillary services and the ripple effect on the local economy is estimated to be $2.7 million.

Data gathered support the hypothesis that dollars invested in the arts benefit the community directly and indirectly as follows:

a. They provide jobs and pay incomes which are respent in the local

b. Cultural institutions and community arts organizations purchase locally
    produced goods and services for use in artistic and cultural events.

c. Cultural events attract residents and out-of-town visitors to local retail,
    recreational and public accommodation establishments. (p. 6, 70, 71, 72).

Sierra Arts Foundation.
Sierra Arts Assembly List of tables.
Purpose of the study.

Methods, Limits/delimits/Assumptions:
     Subjects and survey instruments.
     Data analysis.
     Limits of the study.
     Delimits of the study.
     Assumptions inherent in the study.

Arts audience survey: 
     Audience questionnaire.
     Data analysis.
     The typical attender.
     Audience spending.

Arts Organization survey:
     Direct effects.
     Indirect effects. 
     Information required for analysis of economic effect:
          Wages and salaries.
          Expenditures for goods and services.
          Total expenditures and multiplier effect.
          Data analysis.
     Arts organization questionnaire.
          Total revenue: $1.15 million, Direct arts spending;
          Local institutional expenditures for goods, services and salaries.
          Indirect spending effect.

Community survey:
     Community survey questionnaire.
     Data analysis.

Visitors survey:
     Visitor survey questionnaire.
     Data analysis.

     A. Editorial: A Cultural Feast Nevada State Journal, September 18, 1981.
     B. Letter requesting permission to survey given arts audience.
     C. Letter explaining purpose of arts organization survey and requesting

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 85



Name: Sierra Arts Foundation

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