Managing the Board of Directors

Author: Weber, Joseph

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


Managing the Board of Directors is intended to provide a systematic approach to organizing and managing voluntary boards. Specific guidelines are provided in such areas as recruiting new members, orientation, board-staff relations, etc. It is hoped through application of these guidelines that over a period of time boards will be organized and managed in the best possible manner. This will result in maximum productivity and satisfaction to the many thousands of volunteers who give so willingly of their time and energy to serve as board members.


Managing the Board of Directors is intended to provide a systematic approach to organizing and managing voluntary boards. Specific guidelines are provided in such areas as recruiting new members, orientation, board-staff relations, etc. It is hoped through application of these guidelines that over a period of time boards will be organized and managed in the best possible manner. This will result in maximum productivity and satisfaction to the many thousands of volunteers who give so willingly of their time and energy to serve as board members.

The Greater New York Fund acknowledges with appreciation the contribution made to this booklet by the Volunteer Urban Consulting Group, Inc. in providing permission to include the section on the Legal Responsibilities of Board Members. This information is based on the New York State Not for Profit Act. Its essential points cover the legal responsibilities of board members, which have universal applicability. Board members and organization executives in other states are urged, however, to become familiar with the corresponding laws in their respective states. (Foreword)

Agency operations.
Organizing the board of directors.
The legal responsibility of a board member.
Recruiting board members.
The orientation of new board members.
Board - staff relations.
Planning for the board meeting.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Governance


Series Title:




Pages: 21



Name: Greater New York Fund

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