Livability Directory: A Guide to the Organizations That Influence the Quality of Life in Communities Nationwide

Author: Partners for Livable Places

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Directory


... a wide range of organizations [are] listed - some large, some quite small, some with a national outlook, some whose sole purpose is to improve the quality of specific neighborhoods. The projects in which these groups are involved are of interest to a wide range of individuals and organizations. The directory is designed to provide information and resources for almost anyone eager to get more support for and insight into their own community efforts to improve livability.


... a wide range of organizations [are] listed - some large, some quite small, some with a national outlook, some whose sole purpose is to improve the quality of specific neighborhoods. The projects in which these groups are involved are of interest to a wide range of individuals and organizations. The directory is designed to provide information and resources for almost anyone eager to get more support for and insight into their own community efforts to improve livability.

What kinds of groups are included in this directory and why? Many of the groups listed have received grants over the past ten years from the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. Some are members or organizations suggested by the members of Partners for Livable Places. In all, some 500 different organizations were contacted.

The directory was never intended to be an all-encompassing list of organizations; rather it is a selective sampling developed with an eye toward providing people in all parts of the country with information on resources close at hand. The fact that many of these groups have been recognized by the Arts Endowment through its highly competitive grants program indicates that these organizations share a vision whose content has implications for efforts in other communities. And so, we provide you with descriptions of the program prepared by the organizations themselves. The groups are listed in alphabetical order, and listings describe the organization, its purpose, its facilities and services, and major areas of activity. The scope of the group's work - local, state, regional, or national - is also indicated. At the back of the directory there is a subject index, a geographic index, an index of periodicals, and appendices listing the state arts councils and the state historic preservation officers. (p. ix).

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


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Name: Partners for Livable Communities

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