Lincoln Center Student Program

Author: Boardman, Roger and Ross, Jerrold

Publication Year: 1971

Media Type: Report


For the second consecutive year a team drawn from the Division of Music Education at New York University was responsible for the evaluation of part of the Lincoln Center Student Program, carried out by that institution in the high schools of New York City. The Lincoln Center Student Program for 1971-72 was planned as a comprehensive program in the performing arts for senior high schools selected by the New York City Board of Education and located in federally designated poverty areas of New York City.


For the second consecutive year a team drawn from the Division of Music Education at New York University was responsible for the evaluation of part of the Lincoln Center Student Program, carried out by that institution in the high schools of New York City. The New York University evaluation team wishes to thank the Lincoln Center staff for the cooperation it afforded in both studies. In 1971 one of the major instruments for evaluation was jointly developed by Lincoln Center officials and the evaluation team from NYU. In 1972 the concluding instrument was similarly constructed. The Lincoln Center Student Program for 1971-72 was planned as a comprehensive program in the performing arts for senior high schools selected by the New York City Board of Education and located in federally designated poverty areas of New York City .

The program was intended to provide a concentrated instructional program within the English curriculum of each school, which would relate the performing arts to literature, media, language growth and general learning improvement. It was also to cause a general improvement of awareness, understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the performing arts by involving students and teachers in a performing arts curriculum. (p. 1, 2)

General description of the program.
Implementation of the evaluation.
Selection of the schools.
Development and Administration of the instruments for evaluation.
Observations and interviews.
Findings of the evaluation:
     Selection of performance chairman.
     Selection of resource professionals.
     Involvement of arts departments.
     Involvement of classroom teaching personnel.
     Relationship to overall school curriculum.
     Preparation for performances.
     The Instruments.
     Performing artists.
     Perception and understanding of the performing arts.
     The performing arts program.
     The Lincoln Center student program.
     Observations and Interviews.
     Evaluation of process.
     Student attitudes.
     Student achievement.
     Teacher training.
     Perceptions of school administrators.
     The public investment in Lincoln Center.
Appendices A-J.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 35



Name: New York University, School of Education

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