The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society

Author: Wyszomirski, Margaret J.; Cherbo, Joni Maya; Sharamitaro, Lisa M.; Scholz, Laura Beth

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)



This issue of The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society is an edited version of the larger research project, Understanding the Associational Infrastructure of the Arts and Culture, completed at Ohio State Universitys Department of Arts Policy and Administration.

The first of its kind, this study considers the impact associations have had on the activities of arts and culture in American society. Associations have played significant roles in the evolution and self-governance of artistic professions. They have assisted in furthering artistic a-vocational interests, fostering diverse community and cultural heritages, and building cultural capital. Likewise, they have been and are becoming more involved in influencing, monitoring, and implementing public policies affecting the arts and culture.

For the study, the team identified approximately 4200 tax-exempt organizations that provide services and support to organizations and individuals who create, produce, distribute, and preserve arts and culture. Despite their size and influence, little systemic knowledge is known about them. This issue includes:

  • A description of the process of location of the universe of arts and cultural associations nationally, and constricting the association database.
  • A focus on a subset of the associational universe, the national membership organizations (NMOs):
  1. Their history.
  2. Specific database dimensions.
  3. NMO profiles.
  4. A map of NMOs in the field of music.
  • A consideration of the policymaking roles of NMOs and three case studies on the involvement of NMOs in the policymaking process.

The Associational Infrastructure of the Arts and Culture.
Case Study A:  Association Involvement Across the Policy Process: The American Association of Museums and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
Case Study B:  Across the Private Policymaking Process: The Case of the American Symphony Orchestra League and the Americanizing the American Orchestra.
Case Study C:  Issue Identification and Policy Implementation: Union Involvement in    the Immigration of Temporary Cultural Workers.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title: The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society

Edition: Volume 31, Number 2



Pages: 68



Name: Heldref Publications

Website URL: