It Begins With Craft: A Report of the Conference on the Role of Performance in an Arts-in-Education Program

Author: Eddy, Junius

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


Participants came together to grapple with an idea that is receiving increasing currency in communities all across the country these days, The Role of Performance in an Arts-In-Education Program. By performance the sponsors of the conference did not have in mind what the advocates of educational accountability mean by the term: an assessment of the differing abilities of students and teachers to perform their assigned teaching and learning tasks.


Participants came together to grapple with an idea that is receiving increasing currency in communities all across the country these days, The Role of Performance in an Arts-In-Education Program. By performance the sponsors of the conference did not have in mind what the advocates of educational accountability mean by the term: an assessment of the differing abilities of students and teachers to perform their assigned teaching and learning tasks. Their focus, rather, was on the presentations of performing artists and the resulting impact on young people when those performances take place in educational settings, or are offered in theatres and concert halls as experiences that are essentially educational in purpose. (p. 2)

Setting the stage.
Cast of characters.
Text and sub-text.
Rising (and sometimes falling) action: the major sessions.
What is an arts in education program?
What do educators expect?
How can performances be evaluated?
What is the role of cultural center (and others)?
How can producers develop productions that relate?
Incident and complication: the small-group sessions.
Presenting ideas without Didacticism.
The importance of audience participation.
What happens in the classroom - afterward?
The educational goals of performance.
What art forms work best with children?
When should presenting groups become producers?
Children performing for children.
The role of the college and university.
Curriculum materials, teacher training and artist orientation.
Climax and resolution.
Appendix 1. Bill Thompson's charts. 
Appendix 2. Jed Davis' and Tom Behm's redefinition. 
Appendix 3. List of participants. 
                  Washington and Denver.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 78



Name: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

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