ISTEA: An Arts and Transportation Partnership

Author: Ozlu, Nina

Publication Year: 1994

Media Type: Periodical (article)


Monograph provides a good overview of ISTEA funding as well as first-hand accounts from local and state arts agencies that have been successful in receiving ISTEA funding.


The National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies has been researching new resource opportunities for local arts agencies through a non-traditional partnership - transportation. Under the guidelines of the Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) the Federal Highway Administration has opened up new opportunities for local government officials to participate in decisions regarding transportation programs, planning and enhancements. The goal of ISTEA is to integrate transportation systems into communities to enhance their livability. ISTEA funding programs, along with the expanded involvement of local officials in the planning and project selection process, give local governments a strong role in determining where and how to use large amounts of federal highway funding. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) have become key players to develop, in cooperation with the state, long-range transportation plans and transportation improvement programs for metropolitan areas (see page 16 for a list of MPOs). And now, all proposed transportation projects are required to include enhancement provisions in their planning process. However, the interpretation and definition of enhancements have varied from state to state and from MPO to MPO.

The following information will provide you with a good overview of ISTEA funding as well as first-hand accounts from local and state arts agencies that have been successful in receiving ISTEA funding. The common factor among these partnerships is that arts representatives became actively involved in the advisory and governing commissions at the state and local transportation levels. (p. 1)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art, Partnerships, Local Arts Agencies, Funding


Series Title: Americans for the Arts Monographs

Edition: Volume 2, Number 11



Pages: 24

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: