Issues in Supporting the Arts: An Anthology Based on the Conference The Economic Impact of the Arts

Author: Violette, Caroline and Taqqu, Rachelle

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book


Proceedings of the conference The Economic Impact of the Arts, held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, May 1981. Like the conference, this volume through its blend of divergent perspectives is designed to make a special contribution to cultural policy making that may not always reflect such a broadly based constituency. The contributors do not deny or gloss over the special mission of the arts. Instead, they take that mission for granted as they explore ways to ensure an environment in which artists and arts organizations of high quality can thrive. They take an economic point of view, but the cultural and economic perspectives nevertheless inform one another throughout the volume. On the one hand, many of the authors describe and evaluate the economic impact that the arts generate. On the other hand, all address the perennial problem of financial support.


Proceedings of the conference The Economic Impact of the Arts, held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, May 1981. Like the conference, this volume through its blend of divergent perspectives is designed to make a special contribution to cultural policy making that may not always reflect such a broadly based constituency. The contributors do not deny or gloss over the special mission of the arts. Instead, they take that mission for granted as they explore ways to ensure an environment in which artists and arts organizations of high quality can thrive. They take an economic point of view, but the cultural and economic perspectives nevertheless inform one another throughout the volume. On the one hand, many of the authors describe and evaluate the economic impact that the arts generate. On the other hand, all address the perennial problem of financial support. (p. 7)

Preface by Caroline Violette and Rachelle Taqqu.
Individual chapters are analyzed.
Chapters are grouped as follows:
     Measuring the economic impact.
     A case study: Winston-Salem.
     Toward the future.
     Workshop reports.
     The arts and public policy.
Appendix: About the contributors, panelists and advisory council [biography].

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-941182-01-0 (p)

Pages: 105



Name: Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration

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