Issues in Public Policy and the Arts: A Summary of Hearings on a White House Conference on the Arts

Author: American Council for the Arts

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Book


This book provides summaries of hearings held in nine cities to support a bill calling for a proposed White House Conference on the Arts.


This book provides summaries of hearings held in nine cities to support a bill calling for a proposed White House Conference on the Arts. Enthusiasm for the arts in the United States is expanding. Americans are visiting museums in record numbers and audiences at plays, opera, concerts and dance programs grow with every passing year. Federal support for the arts has increased significantly during the last decade but there are still many important issues concerning the future of the arts in American life that should be discussed. The White House Conference on the Arts affords a splendid opportunity to focus public attention on the major issues in arts policy in the . A national conference, preceded by similar meetings in every state, will give concerned persons from the arts, business and labor, foundations and government at every level a forum for the exchange of ideas and consideration of new approaches to the problems confronting the arts.

The House Subcommittee on Select Education ... held hearings in nine cities throughout the country on legislation that [John Brademas] together with Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, introduced last year calling for a White House Conference on the Arts. The hundreds of witnesses who testified demonstrated the keen interest across the in discussing and analyzing the position of the arts in our society. The hearings were an occasion for artists and other persons knowledgeable about the arts to identify many of those issues facing the cultural life of our nation. (Introduction, p. 6).

Foreword by Thomas Meloy.
Introduction by John Brademas.

Summaries of hearings:
     Dallas, Texas, November 15, 1977.
     New York City, December 17, 1977.
     Los Angeles, January 3, 1978.
     Berkeley, California, January 4, 1978. 
     Miami, Florida, January 9, 1978.
     Chicago, Illinois January 13, 1978.
     South Bend, Indiana; January 14, 1978.
     Washington, DC, January 23, 1978.
     Boston, Massachusetts, January 30, 1978.

Conclusion by Michael Newton.
     Text of House Joint Resolution 649.
     Index of witnesses.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-915400-13-8 (p)

Pages: 96



Name: Americans for the Arts

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