The Impact of Foundation Support on Creativity in the Performing Arts

Author: Bolan, Robert S.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


This study investigated the influences of foundation support of performing arts organizations on the creative process. Such influences derive from the scarcity of foundations' financial resources relative to community needs, and result in choices, made by foundation managers, that impact the opportunity for full creative expression in the nation's performing arts institutions. This study reported the impact of such choices in recent years and the expected impact of those choices in the immediate future.


This study investigated the influences of foundation support of performing arts organizations on the creative process. Such influences derive from the scarcity of foundations' financial resources relative to community needs, and result in choices, made by foundation managers, that impact the opportunity for full creative expression in the nation's performing arts institutions. This study reported the impact of such choices in recent years and the expected impact of those choices in the immediate future. Four principal conclusions were drawn:

  1. Foundations are and will continue to be of major importance to the nation's organizations for the performing arts.

  2. Foundations increasingly will concentrate their support in relatively fewer organizations for more specific projects, favoring organizations which have established a reputation for excellence.

  3. Foundations exercise a constraint on total creative freedom at the time of making funding decisions; but, having made a funding decision, foundations do not restrict full creative expression in the recipient organization.

  4. Performing arts organizations should concentrate their energy to obtain excellence of creative performance if they desire financial support of foundations.

Financial support of performing arts organizations.
Operating revenues.
Private philanthropy.
Governmental support.
Foundation support.
Role of foundations as a resource to performing arts.
A study to relate funding choices to creative expression.
Patterns shown by recent grants.
Anticipated grant behavior, 1975-1979.
Impact of foundation support in the performing arts.
Foundations are and will continue to be of major importance to the nation's organizations for the performing arts.
Foundations increasingly will concentrate their support in relatively fewer organizations for more specific projects, favoring organizations which have established a reputation for excellence.
Foundations exercise a constraint on total creative freedom at the time of making funding decisions, but, having made a funding decision, foundations do not restrict full creative expression.
Performing arts organizations should concentrate their energy to obtain excellence of creative performance if they desire financial support of foundations.
The widening circle of inquiry.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 24



Name: University of California at Los Angeles

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